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Posts posted by Vendetta002

  1. working out 5 times a week and taking protein shakes


    that is basically my workout in a nutshell. i have been on it trying to bulk up for the upcoming football season. so far, in 4 1/2 weeks, ive already gained 15 pounds. also, if you want more results from your workouts, try doing less weight for more reps, it will tone your muscles more, and make them more prominant.

  2. one thing you may want to try, is substituting something for your eating habit. go play a game, go for a walk, go call a friend on the phone..something to teach your mind not to instantly use food as an escape. your best bet, would be to replace it with something healty, such as a walk.


    also, not many people are aware of this, but the part of your brain that tells you you're hungry, is right next to the part that tells you you're thirsty. in a lot of cases, people will instantly reach for food, when they really arent hungry, just thirsty. so, next time you feel the craving for food, try drinking a glass or two of water and waiting to see if that fixes the feeling. if not, have a snack, lol.


    dont give up, it may take a while, but its all worth it in the end.

  3. Look, dont do this. I know exactly how you feel, as I was at that same point during one time in my life. I know its the last thing you will want to hear, but listen, keep looking up. After a 4 month downfall, all of that turmoil I was in ended as quickly as it started, I met this amazing girl, she turned everything around for me. Things will work out for you as well, i'm sure of it. All you need to do, is take care of yourself for now. Someone or something that will completely change your outlook on life is on its way. Why not be here for it when it does come? =)

  4. In my opinion, this is, "Bobs", first time at this whole dating experience. If you are more adept to this, you might want to help him along, and take things slow. If not, then you can do one of two things. Option 1 being: wait for him to make his move. (Even though he may take a while in doing so.) Or, option 2: flat out tell him how you feel, and see what he says/does. It's all up to you, and how soon you want this relationship to start. Remember, all this advice can only take you to a certain point in the road, the final choices are left to what you feel is right, and what you feel in your heart. Do as you see fit, not what other people want.

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