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Posts posted by nyc25m

  1. Do the best thing you can do: Talk to your son.


    If there is gay-related porn on his computer, he is definitely interested in that aspect of sexuality. Since you have the websites as proof of his interest, you can acknowledge this with him.


    He probably values his own safety and health by going online to satisfy his needs instead of running around with every guy he can find. Plus, the internet is a safe-haven for him because noone can hurt him or mock him.


    I would approach him by asking him if he has anything he'd like to share with you, and to let him know that no matter what he tells you, you wont be disappointed in him or hate him. At that point, he may actually come out and just tell you the whole truth without you having to ask at all.


    Hopefully you would be tolerant of his sexual identity, as he cannot control how he feels. (Trust me, I'm bisexual myself--- not by choice.)


    What he will need is your support more than anything. The last thing he'll want is for you to be disappointed in him or even angry. He has a lot on his mind, such as worries about his future, about having children, pleasing his parents, and maybe even accepting himself which may or may not have happened yet.


    Just be there for him no matter what. It's what he'll need.

  2. Hang in there... you will pull out of it. I had a bad breakup with a girl a few years back and didnt date for a while either, but then i woke up and realized that I was missing out on the fun. So I started meeting girls again.


    Then again, maybe I'm the wrong person to be giving advice because I'm falling in love with my guy friend... a whole other confusing situation for myself.

  3. I've somewhat been in your position before... You have to really face the reality that she's so far away. Make a decision now whether you will pursue her in person or not. If you really love her that much, you'll find a way to meet. Really make sure you are in love with her. Also, sometimes when you meet someone in person after talking online, it can be very different (sometimes good, sometimes bad). I would talk on the phone before meeting, and exchange pictures so you know how you might feel about eachother's appearance (if that is of any importance to you) . If you guys love eachother, you should both feel comfortable with doing that.


    Good Luck!

  4. Honestly, I think he likes you and may love you somewhat, but he's not totally in love with you.... at least at the moment. He may be too scared to commit (as most guys are). I also think all that talk between the both of you, about whether he loves you or not, puts pressure on him and probably even makes him re-think his own feelings. If you truly love him, continue to treat him that way by doing everything possible to show your love without actually saying it all the time. Give him everything you can, but don't let him take advantage of you (ie. other girls on the side, gifts, etc...) I think if he loves you exclusively, it will have to happen naturally without a decision being openly made.


    Hope that helps a little...

  5. I'm in love with my friend. I have such a yearning to hold this person in my arms and share our feelings. The situation is very awkward for me because we are both guys, but he is everything I like in a person. I've been sexually interested in both men and women for quite some time now, but I never even came close to considering a loving relationship with another guy-- until now. I've been friends with him for a few years and in the past year we have grown much closer than we've ever been. We always exchange our appreciation for one another and acknowledge eachother's good qualities, and definitely have said we love eachother (but only in a "friend" way). We get along so great and it's always happiness when we are together. It's at the point where I'm so frustrated that I cant tell him how I feel. Sometimes I think he's interested in men because of clues here and there, but I don't know for sure because he sometimes says things that clearly indicate that he's not interested in men (but is he just saying that because he's worried that i might think he likes guys??). It's killing me because I really want to share more with him but I am too afraid to be denied and mocked for being interested in a man in such a way. Also, it's so scary because I don't know how to deal with these feelings myself. How can I tell if he's interested to be more than friends? Are there any signs? I wish this were easier. Hopefully someone has some advice to help me to find out what's going through HIS mind...

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