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  1. I dont think I have ever had a vaginal orgasm, clitoral yes. I posted a topc about this and got a smart ellic responce! For the life of me I cant have one either. I am almost 29 years old. I have just started a realationship. He is everything that I have always wanted, but I just cant have an orgasm!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo Megan
  2. I found this site when I was looking for the topic in Google. This why I posted it. Just needing some answers, not looking for porn!!!!! It more involves nature, just a simple question, wanting to find out more. Thanks for the link though, even though it did not help.... xoxoxoxo Megan
  3. How can you tell if you have a vaginal orgasm. I have had clitoral, but maybe not vaginal....help!!!!
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