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Posts posted by rebelfac

  1. You would have shared this and other helpful entreprenuer things you have learned with the guy who you went on 5 cruises with right? The guy who shared many things over the years to empower, show respect etc right?


    " we had a few good times" is unfortunately a sample of how one can get brainwashed by temperary lust. That is one thing of many i would never do because I always knew the big problem in our society of selective memory.

  2. "How could you have so little respect for what we had?" If I could turn back the clock"


    I can definitely relate because if I could just get one more chance I would be able to make her happy knowing what I know now/what I needed to change. If you could turn back the clock and were allowed to make one different move would you use the wish to become rich ( and have access to many women along with others things in life) or would you choose her?

  3. Viper,


    The CEO of a free online dating site called into my radio show yesterday. We discussed that most have a ratio of 2 guys to every gal. You can listen at the following link and notice that I am not a bad looking guy as well but very little response on Match.


    link removed


    You have got to meet them during the day thats how I met my wife 14 years ago. I was very confident then and had the smoothest original line she will ever hear and it worked very well. My confidence is building and almost at that level. Do it during the day at trader joe's or go to a yoga class like I did where the ratio was 15 to 1 in my favor.

  4. Very good post and I can also relate to it. I too understand what I did wrong but after it was to late. I wish she communicated it with me before she made such a lasting decision. i don't see many reasons for either to get married these days. Couples need to learn these lessons so that needs don't get neglected before it's too late.

  5. The question I really want to ask her if she promised to answer is:


    Put yourself for a moment in my shoes. What if a gal from work who had big b***s hit on me and stroked my ego at the time we moved far away from everyone we knew. What if she had a big house with a pool and invited me to live with her. Now imagine me taking our daughter and allowing you to see her once a week at the most. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?


    They just can't put themselves in our shoes.

  6. Hey Viper,


    I am feeling the exact same thing. She is beautiful inside and out and I blew it. Yes I too have been beating myself up as I was the one who took her for granted and didn't treat her like she deserved. I wish there was something we could do. I very much want to beat out her new guy as he definitely influenced her decision and helped break up my family. I take 70% of the responsibility but he now gets to see my daughter every day also. He commits a sin and gets all of the rewards. Sure it takes two but she was a great wife and we have a great history. What is the one single thing that I can do? Is it simply limited contact?

  7. Good Point red about comparing a new girl to my ex. I should feel lucky that she was in my life for 14 years and she needed to find greater happiness. I so wish I hadn't taken her for granted and learned earlier what I know after it's too late. I treated her too much like one of the guys and she needed to feel loved with much more affection. I guess there isn't anything I can do except for limited contact while remaining friendly. I do wasnt her back eventually though.


    The invitation to start a free page is open to you as well. Take a look

    link removed

  8. Thanks you so much John for the feedback!


    BTW I started a free hub/site that has free monizitation tools so that people can help others and possibly be rewarded. (become an instant coach that can even charge for phone coaching for those that need and request it. Anything per minute)

    I would gladly pay someone significantly less than what a therapist would charge.Signing up takes two minutes and I could interview you and place the interview on your page as well.

    link removed

  9. Hey John


    Do you think that she can sense that I am not over her and perhaps that until I actually am she won't find me appealing enough to miss me or ever consider me again? My friends have told me that as soon as I find someone else I will forget about her. She has an exceptional personality and it just isn't fair that this new guy who helped sway her gets to see my daughter every day as well. Sometimes this seems like a bad dream that I haven't waken up from.

  10. Day 1 for me.... I read the whole thread about Relationship with X the Walkaway wife Club and saw my story... After close to 16 years together my wife in October told me she no longer loved me and to move out... Broke my heart to say the least along with destroying my family at the same time.. it been for months now but I still find it difficult dealing with her in regards to my daughter...


    she has moved on and found another to play house with........ So this is for me so I can move on and realize that I will be much happier and healthier without her....


    Hello Skinman,


    The same thing happened to me. After 12 years my wife moved out with our twelve year old daughter and into a guys house. This also happedned 4 months ago in October and it's so hard to understand. What do you thiink you did wrong? One of the things I did was not show love and affection and he is doing that and everything right in order to land her. I still want her back eventually but am trying to preserve a friendship in the meantime. She was the perfect wife and was good to me which is why I don't hate her for doing this/cheating. It is so hard feeling so easily replaced.

  11. and it truly isn't working. She is living with another guy is the reason I didn't initiate nc but think it must be done now. I think she will miss our communication but it seems she doesn't have the opportunity now to miss me. Separated after 12 years of marriage and I feel very alone still. I need to stop chatting with her from work and talking to her every few days. How can she erase our memories so easily?

  12. I took her for granted but she did change. Once she made up her mind to leave she had no problem lying to me. She started having an emotional affair this summer. I never caught her look at another guy in the 14 years we were together. I learned recently the importance of affection and I was lacking in that department. I thought we were soul mates but now feel very disguarded. She is very happy and lives with him and is falling in love quickly. I so wish I did things differently. I never should have let her go to lunch too often with this guy. My daughter told me he makes her laugh and I see that he has a somewhat muscular build but doesn't beat me in looks or in the communication department. Having better communications would be impossible from my POV. He has the advantage of being the new guy. More passion, affection and likely sex. That must seem appealing to her but what about all of out memories? How can she throw that away so quickly?

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