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Posts posted by shania2003

  1. Everyone is entitled to do what they wish without criticism, however, some of us women have to work to take care of our families. Even though divirce rates are high, I think that a lot of that comes from women who now have a lot more self esteem than they used to and refuse to be the whipping boy for a man who thinks that his life is harder than hers.

    I have been married twice and divorced twice, and I am not one tiny bit sorry or regretful that I got divorced, both times I was the one who wanted out, sick and tired of being an adults mother. I already have 4 kids and if I wanted to raise another I would have another baby.

    God did not put me on this earth to be someones house maid and I feel that I have the freedom to do whatever is right for me.

    Marriage that works is a blissful thing, but marriage that doesn't work is disasterous. I stayed married 2 years longer than I should have, because of kids, the house bills and payments, and I lived in a house where I hated to be and I would rather go to work than have to go home. I also lived with someone who I hated with a passion that I still can't believe sometimes and I told him so, but he didn't get it.

    And, yes, us working mothers can do it all and do it well. You kow how we do it, we get up extra early in the morning and take care of everything, and then we get our kids off to school and we go off to work, then we come home and fix supper and have our family time and then we stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning doing laundry and cleaning house and then unwinding so that we can get up around 5 am and do it all again.

    We are independent, and we don't need anyone to support us or to maintain our standard of living, we have nice homes and nice cars and our kids have nice things and even though we bust our butts outside of the home that doesn't make us unloving mothers, I just refuse to be dependent on a man to pay my bills, and keep me trapped in a life that I do not want to be in, because I can't make it on my own. That is my choice and the way I want to live, just as being a home maker is the way you want to live and the choice you made.

    That doesn't make either one of us right or wrong, it just makes us different.

  2. Thank you for seeing my input as positive, I know that there is someone for everyone, and I guess that I have been lucky enough to know when I am in a situation that isn't working.

    I think that everyone can find true love, if they don't look so hard at it. I have never thought that falling in love is something that you should have to work at, but rather something that happens and no matter how you try you can't stop it.

    I have been in relationships before that were loveless and just plain unhealthy, and lucky for me I was able to see that and get out before I got "comfortable" being a relationship.

    For me if there is not love there is not comfort in a relationship.

    I do love this man with all my heart, and sometimes I feel like he is just searaching for his soul, I think that it got lost somewhere along the way.

    I do think that he is finding it, now, although. Partly I think that he knows that I love him, not for what he has or who he is in society, but because, he is a loving and caring person, who makes me feel loved.

    I hope that you find love someday and don't settle for anything less than the real deal. you are just wasting your time if you do trust me on that.

  3. Thanks for your reply, I would like to tell you that although his mother loved him and he loved his mother, she din't protect him from his older brother, who beat him up all the time, until he got big enough to kick his brothers butt. His younger brother who he loves dearly, and protected all of their childhood, I think that relationship is fine, they are very close and I know that he loves his younger brother. Dad who is still alive, he says that he respects him, but that is all.

    One point that I should make clear is that he is still married, although he doesn't ever go there when his wife is home and she knows that he is with me. I don't understand why they stay married, however that part doesn't bother me.

    I truly believe that all he has wanted is someone to love him and I love him unconditionally. There are things that I would not tolerate and he knows that I wouldn't. Relationships with other women is one of them. I can understand the staying married because of the finacial aspects, but I do know that he is working on that, so that his wife doesn't get everything that he has worked his butt off for, for so many years.

    We have great communication, which I think will limit our conflicts.

  4. Open your phone book and find a psychologist who specializes in addictions and get an appointment.

    They will be able to help determine the reason that you find these movies so facinating. Are you addicted to other television?

    Get help right away, you have some sort of obsession with these movies and obsession is not healthy.



    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  5. What I would do if I were you is call him and tell him exactly what you are saying on here and see what his response is. Atleast that way you will know one way or another and you will either be able to get over this fear that you have about talking to him. Or else he will tell you that he doesn't feel the same way that you do. Either way you will know and then you can stop torturing yourself with all of these unanswered questions. That is the best way that I know how to do things like that just lay it on the line and then you will have your answer.


    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I would like to know if someone can answer my question. I believe that a lot of times in life that people use sex as a way to feel loved. Does this make that person a sexual addict? Is it possible for someone to have had a extensive appetite for sex, to truly fall in love with another person, where sex is not the primary factor in their relationship? I have a man in my life for the past many years including his marriage has only had relationships based on sex. In this relationship it is different, we do have sex, but it is healthy sex, compared to the 3+ times a day he was having sex previously. He has told me many times that no one has ever made him feel the way that I do. I like to cuddle and hold him at night, and we also lay in bed and talk every night for atleast an hour if not more. I would say that on an average we have sex 3- 6 times per week, initiated sometimes by me sometimes by him I would say that it is a 50/50 split on the initiation.

    I have always thought that sometimes people feel like sex and love are the same thing, I was married to 2 people like that. I know that they are not the same thing and that there is a big difference in having sex with someone you love, and just having sex for gratification.

    Is it possible for someone to spend 55 years of their life searching for the right person to love them, for them, not for what they have or who they are, but just because that someone else loves them. He is a very prominet individual, who is the president of a faily large company. I love him for what he bring in our relationship, and for the way that he makes me feel and I how I feel with him, not for any other reason.

    Sp what I want to know is this, is he sexually dysfunctional, or has he truly spent his whole life just wanting to be himself, and to be loved?

    Any advise on this?

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