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Posts posted by michiganmale27

  1. First of all, let me say thanks to all of you guys in these forums. I read alot of other people's threads, and try to put my situation inline with what their problems are.


    Well, let me say about the girl I am dating now. I desperately needed something to fill a void of what would amount to a VERY long weekend during some bad times. She is a great girl, and about 5 years younger than myself. We only see each other 1, or 2 times a week due to work/school for both of us and she lives 30 minutes away.


    I wouldn't say that it is necessarly your prototypical "rebound" relationship. I have known this girl for the better part of a year and a half now, very cool person to hang out with. I think that was what I needed most of all to get me out of the problme I was in.


    The situation was so bad when Ms. X broke up with me, that I had to see the doctor who prescribed Xanax/Paxil for me as I couldn't function. I failed a final in my Graduate Auditing class, luckily I had the professor prior to this class, and he knew my track record as well as being understanding of my predictament it did not affect my grade at all.


    ONCE AGAIN THANKS EVERYONE!!!!! You guys are the BEST!!!

  2. You simply cannot contact him anymore. Plain and simple, you have already passed the critical hours 1 day-2 month period. Find other things to do...Example, yes I know it will make me look like a loner/loser if you will...I went to a couple of concerts by myself. I swear you would not believe the girls that came up and just started talking to me. You have NO IDEA the wonders that will do for your self-esteem/ego.


    What everyone else has suggested is great advice as well. I will be finishing up my MBA in the Fall/Winter so that is a great place as well, even though the girls are older hence more than likely involved.


    If you are looking for someone to fill the void usually going solo to a place works better than if you are with friends. The guy, or in my case the girls, will feel less threated if there is an audience around.


    GOOD LUCK, hang in there you've gone three months you can do it!!! 8)

  3. Not to beat a dead horse I am confused here. Long story short. Me and the ex do not communicate for 2.5 months after nearly seeing each other/talking each day. We broke up.


    Before the break up I told her I wanted my ticket to a concert that was G.A. seating. She was cool enough to honor my request.


    After the breakup I was devastated, if I was a computer I would have logged off, which is what I basically did, from the rest of the world.


    Anyways, I started dating this girl 2 weeks later. Everything was great again. I was back to my normal self, which some may say is not a good thing.


    She supposedly seen me at this concert, of which 45,000 people were at. Three days later I get an email saying "Who was the blond you were with, I coudl have used the ticket for my new boyfriend"


    I played along, there was no blonde, I was actually at the concert by myself. Anyways, I get another response basically calling me a *bleeping* loser from her friend who decided to jump in. FYI, me and her are both 27 years old.


    It seems as if I am back to square one with feeling grief. I cannot eat, I am supposed to be going to see one of my all-time favorate bands on the 29th, and I am seriously considering giving my pair of seats away as I am simply not into anything anymore.


    Why would I be bothered after 2.5 months of no communication, and why is this eating away at me after I had been feeling so great?


    Thanks for listening to me everyone.

  4. I can totally empathize with you. I have a scar, however mine is in a more noticeable area, on my face. I flipped off a bicycle when I was 15 and have a scar below my lip, along the crease of my upper lip and on the bridge of my nose.


    Anyone I have ever dated "claims" to not notice the scar. Who knows maybe they are being honest, but I am reminded of the accident everyday I wake up in the morning. It has affected my self-confidence to a degree. So yes, I know what you are going through. My ex-gf said she never noticed it until I told her.


    Everyone, at one point of their life, will be sewn up for some reason or another. If someone is that shallow, that a scar along your chest is going to affect a relationship it's best to part ways.

  5. If I could say one thing to mine it would be this:


    Maybe your heart is aching

    I wouldn't know, now would I?

    Maybe your spirit's breaking up

    I shouldn't care, now should I?

    Maybe you're thinking of me

    Well I don´t know, now do I?

    If you only knew how I feel

    Wish I could die, now don´t I?


    I´m just another crazy guy

    Playing at love was another high

    Just another high


    Couldn't believe in my eyes

    You drifted into my life

    But marriages made in heaven

    Can they survive in this life?

    Surely it came as no surprise

    Love was too hot to handle

    Well I really blew my cool and you

    You just blew out the candle


    Didn't you just try just another high?

    Didn't you sign as you waved goodbye?

    Just another high


    I'm just another crazy guy

    Playing at love was another high

    Such a crazy high


    Lately it seems so empty here

    But I suppose I'm alright

    Maybe tomorrow's not so clear

    Still I remember that night

    Singing to you like this is

    My only way to reach you

    Though I´m too proud to say it

    Oh how I long too see you


    Shattered by dreams, by your goodbye

    As shattered my goodbye, as filled the sky

    Desolate am I

    Just another crazy guy

    Playing at love was another high

    Such a crazy high


    Maybe I should start anew

    And maybe I should find someone who

    Will maybe love me like I love you

    Maybe I´m too stuck on you

    Maybe I got stuck on you


    ~ Just Another High~ Roxy Music

  6. I empathize with you, but from the other side of the isle. My ex-gf broke up with me. After 2 and a half months of no communications, she "sees" me in a crowd of 45,000 at a concert Must take some sort of effort for that to happen eh?? Convenient time to send an email asking me about this girl I was seen with.


    Long story short, play along with the mind games I'm having a blast emailing her back telling her what a great time I'm having etc... Once you put the ball back into his court you should expect some sort of an angry response, maybe a couple of angry responses because they know you are onto his third grade playground games.


    DO NOT EMAIL HIM BACK RIGHT AWAY, take your leisure maybe wait 2 days to respond...I will say with about 95% confidence he will be back. I have learned in my dating experiences, honestly not that many, that the other party wants to see their ex's miserable. If you prove otherwise, or even mention another guy, the likelihood of him returning, IF YOU WANT HIM TO AT THIS POINT, is pretty good. Sorry about the long response...Hope that this helps.


    By the way, she has stuff of mine that she wouldn't give back either...eg a DVD player etc... Hang in their kiddo PLAY THE GAME, IT CAN BE FUN!

  7. I know what you are going through. Me and my ex-gf broke up a few months ago. We had tickets to an event that we bought prior to the breakup, suffice to say I wasn't missing this concert... LUCKILY I did not see her since this was general admission seating. Apparently she "saw" me, which is amazing since this was amoungst about 35,000 people.


    I get this email the other day, first one since the breakup asking who the blonde girl was that I was with at the concert. Gotta love honest, cough cough jealous, inquiries about people that you are hanging out with.


    Anyways, I responded by saying she did not have the right to ask about the blonde anymore, and furthermore why did she care in the firstplace.


    It's your call, and I have thought about this as well in my situation if the case arised you would need to have a VERY long talk and get rid of any skeletons that exist. In addition, she would need to earn your trust back.


    GOOD LUCK!!! I'm an MBA Student myself

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