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Posts posted by WantedDeadOrAlive

  1. for a couple years now,my mom has been getting upset with me and worrying over me going out with my friends. She doesn't want me to go anywhere. i've tried so hard to let her know i'd be ok. like today,i asked to go the THE MALL! just to hang out with a friend,and see the guy i really like when he's workin'....she wont let me do anything,ever. im getting so sick of staying home while everyone else gets to have fun. and i hate to say it but im starting to get very bitter towards my mom. she's keeping me too close but thats whats pushing me away from her. we fight alot and i can't seem to persuade her to let go,im not her baby anymore! i just want to have fun with my friends while im still young!

  2. i can't find him to break if off,but i say its over anyhow,doesn't that count though? and thanks for ya'lls advice,it makes me feel alot better.

    oh n the guy i was talkin about,the one on my street,he likes me so i think im gunna get me anotha man!

  3. my ex boyfriend is really givin' blows to my rep. first off,not even a week into our relationship,he's cheatin on me with 4 otha chicks ,and one of them was one of my closest friends! next thing ino,he's spreading rumors saying i've slept with him,that im pregnant with his baby,that ima s-l-u-t that i sleep with all the guys i can get my hands on....lots more too. i jus wanna know,do i deserve this? figures.......now i am crushing on this guy who lives on my street,perfect guy for me ,all i want too,but now if he hears those rumoprs,he mite think ima skank,and ill have a slim to none chance to snatch him! he's not usually a person to believe rumors,but its not hard to get a person to believe something..... wish i had sum whiskey!

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