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Posts posted by Cat76

  1. Start of Day 6


    Hit a bit of a low this morning. Another dream about him last night....but of course waking up alone.


    I CAN deal with being on my own, I just don't want to. The world seems full of happy smiling couples, and you start to wonder why they find it and you don't.


    Hi Euterpe


    You will feel better soon. I think of it as I don't WANT to be on my own, but I would rather be WITHOUT someone who doesn't want me (hope that makes sense).


    I've had dreams 2 nights running now but I just try to think about something else as soon as I wake up.


    Keep going hun

  2. I think it's day 5, not really counting (is that a good thing?).


    I think I'm into the anger stage. I'm angry that I've been forgotten about soooo quickly. But if thats the case he was never worth it


    I've been really down about some other stuff going on in my life, just trying to figure out where I'm going with it all. Sometimes that makes the split easier to deal with and sometimes compounds it. But I suppose the best way to deal with it is to be as successful as I can, be happy with myself and everything I do from now on is for me and nobody else.

  3. Day 30


    I made it. Now what? LOL.


    Well done


    As you know I've been trying to keep up with your progress and from your posts you seem like a lovely girl, and your pic is lovely, so you'll have no trouble finding someone else who deserves you (if thats what you decide you want). I say keep up the good work and keep having fun.



  4. Hmmmm...not a good day again. Other stuff again (not just the sadness over the ex, but it is on my mind). Had a chat with someone today and told them all about the stuff I had to put up with, it was quite therapuetic and they agreed that my ex and his family were weird, and I wasn't wrong for thinking so.


    Anyway, I'll go back to thoughts and curl up and have a cry (again)

  5. Sorry you are having a rough day. I totally empathise with the needing a hug feeling. I'm on day one as well, and I've spent all day longing for some sort of physical contact with someone I feel comfortable with. I so miss the intimacy and feeling that relaxed with someone.


    Virtual hugs coming your way - (they're just not the same though are they???)


    Thanks for the hugs, I need 'em today.


    Not even sure if I want them from my ex. I've got a lot of other things going on and I'm having to deal with these things and the split. (Although somehow the other stuff thats going on is taking my mind of the ex a little bit)


    I'm back on day 1 (third time lucky, I hope) and I'm really really really determind to stick to it. So you can be my NC buddy if you like I won't contact mine if you don't contact yours.

  6. Sorry you are having a rough day. I totally empathise with the needing a hug feeling. I'm on day one as well, and I've spent all day longing for some sort of physical contact with someone I feel comfortable with. I so miss the intimacy and feeling that relaxed with someone.


    Virtual hugs coming your way - (they're just not the same though are they???)


    Thanks for the hugs, I need 'em today.


    Not even sure if I want them from my ex. I've got a lot of other things going on and I'm having to deal with these things and the split. (Although somehow the other stuff thats going on is taking my mind of the ex a little bit)


    I'm back on day 1 (third time lucky, I hope) and I'm really really really determind to stick to it. So you can be my NC buddy if you like I won't contact mine if you don't contact yours.

  7. Almost through Day 1 (again).


    I've have had a rubbish day, not just thinking about the ex. Actually haven't really thought about him apart from feeling like I want a hug and him to say everything is going to be alright.


    Bad stuff is happening all around me and I feel like I'm sinking atm.

  8. I sent a funny email. Haven't had a reply, and I'm not expecting one. I wasn't in desperate need to contact him about anything inparticular, it just felt like an urge to remind him that I was here. I know thats the wrong thing to do, but sometimes the heart rules the head *sigh*.


    It's good to know you are feeling better, you've done so well and you've been really strong. It will inspire me to get to day 30.

  9. Cat *sheepishly* wanders into the thread and quietly announces that she is truly cursed by the number 5 (see my multiple of 5 thread). I got to day 5 and I broke NC, I got to day 10 and yes you guessed it, I broke NC.


    Do I feel bad? Well I don't feel terrible, but I'm not expecting any response.


    Anyway, I'm off to bed (need some good rest, I've got a job interview tomorrow).


    And it's back to day 1 tomorrow

  10. Wahoo, I've made it past a week. Again he wasn't the first thought this morning, my alarm clock was!!! I so did not want to get out of bed, I wanted a lie in and it's the one day I can't have one. So I think the sleep is improving


    Feels like I'm getting stronger every day, just have to make sure I've got lots of other stuff to focus on.


    Hope WE/I can keep up the good work

  11. Day something or other - probably close to or just past a month. Getting back into the groove of things. Caught myself NOT thinking of her for the first time since the breakup which was a weird feeling. And of course got me thinking of her again Onwards and upwards!


    Hi Toodlepip


    It's stupid isn't it. This morning it was almost as if my brain reminded me to think about him...LOL. But I'm sure it's a good thing when they pop into your head instead of being a constant thought.



  12. Yay, I made it to a week. Woke up this morning and he wasn't the first thing I thought about (but he was the second, when I realised I wasn't thinking about him...LOL)


    The longer this goes on I find my stubborness increasing and I'm more focused on not contacting him, but I do think about him a lot (still).


    Onwards and upward though, roll on week 2

  13. Aww, that's awesome! I have yet to score a date with anyone - i'm just so afraid of rejection but ugh who cares I should just go for it right??


    This weekend my friends are taking me clubbing and to meet their (supposedly) hot male friend who does sound delicious but I'll wait and see first


    Don't reply to the email you got.. just leave it at that and NO MORE forwarding funny emails to the ex!


    I'm doing really well at the gym, when I'm on the treadmill I can now run continuously for 9 minutes which is quite the achievement for me - I could only do 3 minutes and then feel like I'm going to die before this. The gradient is 3.0 and speed is 8.8. Hope that's good, I wanna go for 10 minutes next time!! YEAHHHH!! haha.


    Hi SG


    I'm not so scared of rejection with the new guy, just scared of how I still feel about the ex. It's all a bit confusing.


    I haven't replied to the last email, and I'm not going to


    I'm very impressed with your exercising, I can't keep the jogging up for more then about a minute! I'm sure it will get easier. Either that or I'll collapse at some point...LOL

  14. Day 19


    I saw a photo of my ex and I today, it was on my desk at work, buried under a pile of papers, books and whatnot. I was clearing my desk and saw it.


    And i didn't feel a THING.




    It's over. I think I'm healed. But i would like to make it to Day 30 first before I decide that!


    Wow SG, you are doing so well. I'm loving your pic too


    I think I'm on Day 4, not really counting anymore. I got a reply to my 'funny' email yesterday (I sent it THREE days ago). Strange


    The new guy I have been emailing wants to meet up so I'm now trying to come up with possible places to go and that's keeping me distracted for now.

  15. HI all


    Day 2 for me and I think I have moved into the anger stage (how many more are there).


    After receiving a message from a mutual friend saying that the ex had said he wants to friends, but it will be after some time passes. I got incredibly angry and thought he decided when we had a relationship, he decided when we split up and now he thinks he can decide when we are going to be friends (I don't think so). On the other side he may have only said that to our friend to try and come accross as the nice guy, which he does a lot. He doesn't like to be seen to be in the wrong or doing the wrong thing (hates making mistakes) and when he does make a mistake he runs away from it or won't try something incase he might fail. The man has issues and I am well rid of him.


    I hope these feelings continue, because it is making me NOT want to talk to him ever again.



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