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Posts posted by Stiffler

  1. I like this girl and i think that she likes me and i would like to ask her out but can't think of the right way to ask her, she has to repeat grade 9 because of some personal problems and i'm going into grade 12 last year of highschool does that seem weird that i like a girl 3 years younger than me?? So how should i make my approach? Straight up? letter? phone call? what should i ask her, i mean she is a great girl with alot of wonderful qualities and i can't imagine life without her so if anyone know's any successfull tips on asking a girl out and what to say and how plz let me know



  2. Hey


    I met Natalie Ravera and she told me to call her cause she gave me her number and all, ans she began flirting with me. She has a bf what should i do? Do you think she like me and is thinking of leaving her current bf to be with me? I'm all confused.

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