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Posts posted by littlej

  1. Kinda feeling down today I guess. I wanted to pick up the phone just to hear her voice. If I did she would have been cold as usual. There is something to be said about someone who just walks over you and keeps on going. And there are those who want those individuals back. My mind tells me that the logic is flawed. But my heart does not listen. Everytime someone breaks it I just get harder and harder and my reluctance to open up gets stronger. Maybe I'm just bitter.

  2. Day 19, feelin good. Had a minor setback yesterday (on previous page) but I pulled through like a trooper. It helps to realize that certain individuals that disrespect you are not worth your time. If they disrespect you now you will not have to wait till you die to go through hell just tie the knot. My take anyway. NC, keeping it up!

  3. littlej, I'm sorry your ex's message upset you! *hugs* Birthdays are tricky--my ex *didn't* contact me on my birthday and it was upsetting to me. I think you should feel good that she remembered you, but yes, keep up the NC...It's hard but it's also the best birthday gift you can give yourself.


    Again, thank you. You could never know how much this site helps me!

  4. I would tell your heart that you are investing 30 days for a payoff that might be for the rest of your life. If she does come back, you will get to hear her voice many, many times. If your friend is right, and she doesn't want anything to do with you, then do you want to spend your life chasing after her?


    Thank you so much for these encouraging words. Believe it or not t helps out a lot.

  5. Day 18 the ex sent me an email today "Happy Birthday! Hope all is well" Made me feel worse and empty. I was doing soo well. I got this email and I feel horrible. And no I did not respond. One of my good friends said you probably won't hear from her again. Because I am on the receiving end, she really doesn't see what this does to me, or do they. Someone tell me that NC is the way to go, I just need a little support right now. My head says run, my heart wants to break down and call her. Just to hear her voice was so soothing to me. Feels like day 1 again.

  6. Day 11


    I feel great and I don't know why. I have had my ups and downs but right now I feel like "Who needs her anyway?" For those of you who don't know, she went back to her old BF that she says isn't right for her?! (they dated for three months and broke up due to his immature attitude) With her lies and deceit who needs that? I found out she went back to him via a third party. Without getting into details I think she didn't want me to find out to keep me on the back burner just in case things went sour. I just want to be strong enough so if/when she does contact me I do not crumble and be the shoulder to cry on.


    Staying strong!

  7. I am having the hardest time with this. I wanted to call yesterday just to chat about my day. I called other people and it just wasn't the same. She is with someone else now and she feels none of the pain I do. Sometimes I feel like that is not fair. The person who does nothing wrong a perfect gentleman is the one who feels the pain. (She left me to go back to her ex)

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