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Posts posted by NorthDallas40

  1. Samantha - keep up the NC. It's already made your attitude better, and will continue to do so. And as far as what she thinks about you, with all that your ex has selfishly done to you thus far, you don't need to worry AT ALL about seeming "mean." She didn't want to keep up relationship, so she doesn't deserve to have your attention anymore.


    Meanwhile, I broke NC myself this morning because my ex left me a sober voicemail at a decent hour this past Monday, instead of her usual 3am drunken texts/calls on the weekend, which I have religiously ignored. I sent her a very brief & cordial Myspace message acknowledging her call, but not indicating anything about how I felt about her.


    Within 5 minutes she had posted the Rolling Stones "Miss You" video and song on her Myspace page. Nice sentiment, and I know it was for me, but that's all it was. A gesture.

  2. She dumped me three weeks ago, we emailed for a couple of days, then I held to NC for 9 days until I found some suspicious Myspace comments and emailed her about them. She explained them away and I started NC again. That was 8 days ago, now she just called and left a VM about how she's not feeling good emotionally, and how she's been looking at my Myspace profile. She wished me & my mom well (she had a recent illness), and said she wanted to know what I'm doing, but nothing about wanting to try again or even why she was really calling.


    At this point, she's texted, called, and emailed me about 5x more than I have to her, usually every weekend and usually drunk. This time she was clearly sober. Still, I've never called, just kept it to text/email. Not sure what to do now. I'm happy that she's called and proven that NC *can* prompt a response from the ex... and I *do* want to talk to her so badly... but I know that trying again isn't going to be on the table. We're LDR, and she needs to "find herself," so until more time has passed AND I'm living in the same area, nothing's going to change.











    Exactly. Samantha - this girl is just trying to have her cake and eat it too... have her bf and keep you on the line for whatever reason. DON'T LET HER! Whether you find someone who will treat you with RESPECT, or whether you want this girl to do exactly that, the only way is for you to break your dependency and go STRICT NC. Listen to everyone else on this site - it's THE BEST solution for your sanity. Best of luck - we're all pulling for you.

  4. batteredandlost - it sounds like your breaking NC wasn't a bad thing. If you were able to talk civilly for 3 hours, hopefully it was a healthy step in either getting back together or at least breaking things off with no drama. And MUCH RESPECT to getting treatment for your depression - That's a courageous step, and we all hope things work better for you now.


    As for myself, I broke 10 days of NC last night because I was jealous over some Myspace comments she had made to her ex before we broke up. I sent her a rather nasty email & text, and she emailed back obviously very upset that she'd made me feel that way. I emailed back an apology and said it was water under the bridge since we were broken up anyway, but I also told her that her behavior was suspicious. She emailed back that she agreed that I had justification, but assured me that NOTHING was or is going on between them. She also said that she knew that I was exceptional and like no one else, that she missed me, and that she loved me.


    So a minor speedbump. I can deal with that. But still no words like "I want us to be back together for real."


    Back to NC it is.

  5. Samantha20 - I just want to say that though you haven't gotten responses in the same proportion to what you've written in this thread, I think everyone has been very moved at what you've had to go through lately. I can't really offer any comfort, other than you WILL find new friends eventually, once you've had some time to heal. But until then, NC is definitely the way to go, and I think most here would agree. At this point, you need to start the healing process ON YOUR OWN. As we all know, your ex is the WORST person to look to for solace, and you've been doing that much too often. But stay strong, and know that we're all thinking of you.


    As for myself, so far so good with the NC: I last talked to my ex 13 days ago, and last emailed her 9 days ago. It was an amicable breakup, but it was her decision ("I love you but I can't be in a relationship right now" blah blah), so I'm hurting a lot. Luckily, it's been easier because she's texted & called several times since then (I don't pick up or respond), usually declaring her love for me via text late at night on the weekend. I have to admit that as long as she's the one making contact, I feel in control of both the situation and my emotions. But now this weekend is coming up, and I fear she's going to stop contacting me. I'm on pins & needles now, and I feel like if I don't get a text or call from her at 3am, I'M going to be the one making a drunk call this Saturday night!

  6. bostoneric: Good thing you wrote that email, better that you didn't send it! Hang in there.


    As for me, Maria called this morning, which was unusual (considering SHE BROKE UP WITH ME LAST WEEK) because she usually doesn't wake up that early, plus she knew I'm at work. Anyway, I put her into VM and she actually left a message this time. It was just to let me know that she secured a venue for this monthly DJ/band night that she's starting and thought I'd like to know. I admit that it feels good that she keeps contacting me while I'm totally blowing her off, but * * * .


    All I can say is I guess she didn't delete my number after all.

  7. The past 24 hours were a case study in why you SHOULD KEEP TO STRICT NC if you got dumped.


    My LDR ex of 8 months was supposed to come to visit next week but instead she broke things off last weekend. This was the 3rd time she broke up and I wasn't going to try and convince her to stay this time. So after a few emails in the middle of the week to end things on a good note, NC was in effect for me.


    But lo and behold... she was blowing up my phone early this morning (it was 3 hours earlier for her; I'm east coast, she's west coast):


    4:53am (Text) - My impulsive heart screams 2 me that I miss & want you!

    4:53am (Missed Call)

    4:56am (Missed Call)

    5:52am (Text) - I want you back! Can u still thnk about moving here in June? I love u and u knw this!


    I woke up, looked at the messages, thought "whatever - it's going to take a lot more than a text to get me back," and went back to sleep.


    And luckily I didn't get my hopes up or reply. Because this afternoon she sent this:


    "Im sorry about d messaging and phone calls last night Im gonna erase ur number and again Im sorry"


    Needless to say, I haven't responded and I'm not going to. I may still love her, but the rollercoaster ride ends now.

  8. Wow, is this thread really up to almost 600 pages??!?


    In any event, I'm throwing my hat into the ring. I sent Maria this message today:




    Maria -


    Please don't take my last message as evidence that I'm coldhearted about what you wrote me on New Years or that I only care about the money. Yes, I do want you to pay it back because it is your responsibility. But if you don't, I doubt I'll have any hard feelings.


    It's just that you've been on my mind constantly since we broke up, and the only way I can keep myself sane is keep contact to a minimum. I hope you realize that there's no way I could turn off my feelings for you so quickly. I miss you terribly, and I really do hope that our hearts will meet once more in the future. If you are ever truly ready to be serious again, nothing could make me happier than to hear from you. But I know that can only be your choice, not mine. Until then, I accept that the time is not right for us to be together, we both need to move on for now, and I truly do wish you the best in making your life what you need it to be.







    Though I know I'll still check her Myspace page, NC in every other way will be in effect until her birthday in early February.

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