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Posts posted by Sprinkles

  1. I would go to a doctor. If you are pregnant it is best to detect it as soon as possible. I was pregnant once and the doctors kept it totally confidential. Or buy a pregnancy test.

  2. Holy that is so sad. I cried. Your a wonderful guy. I can understand how much you are hurt by what she has done. I do not know what she can be thinking! I would never be able to do that to anyone that treated me that good! I know me telling you this won't help because nothing can take away the hurt feeling but your a great guy, you'll find someone else that can treat you as good as you treat them. I wish I could help you but I know no matter how much I try to comfort you it doesn't take away any of the pain

  3. I have been in a situation like that before. Sometimes its just fun to fantasize. I have never had this happen when I was with my current bf but when we were just seeing each other me and my ex, who i was also sorta seeing would talk about sexual things and stuff. I think don't do anything with your ex, and if you want to, talk to your bf first and don't cheat on him.

  4. I didn't feel this way up until recently. Something else big happened too that had nothing to do with my bf and that totally made me feel like shit too. So I think everythings just tearing me apart right now and I feel I can't talk to anyone else but him becase I just wouldn't feel comfortable. And I just need him to help me what I'm going through right now, and to have him to rely on.

  5. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 8 monthes. I am 17 and he is 20. I love him very much but when we fight it can get really bad. He has just left a couple times and not said where he was going. It totally hurt me. I also have a problem with trusting him, he has never cheated on me and says he never will but I worry so much because I have been cheated on in the past. Last week we got in a stupid little argument and I got upset and told him to leave. He left and he was planning on ignoring me but I ended up seeing him the next day. So we hung out and he said he needed space or whatever. But at the time I could not go through that because I had some personal problems going on. So we kept hanging out. Then a couple days later he told me that it wasn't working and that we should break up. The problem is whenever he says we should break up he doesn't truly mean it. He says it hoping things will get better. Like if I were to agree and say lets break up, he would cry and say no. So it's been a few days since this has happened and everything has been great and better. But every morning I wake up I feel sooo depressed. All day I constantly think of him and worry that when I get home he won't call me, or won't be there. All this that has happened recently has totally destroyed me. When I am not around him I worry I won't see him again. But when I'm with him were totally happy. I am soo scared to break up with him. It's become a huge fear. If we broke up I would just die because I would feel so lost. I don't know how to get over this fear of losing him. We both want to be with each other forever, but I constantly think of the day when we will break up and its the last thing I want. What can I do? Any suggestions.

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