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Posts posted by NNIgelb1

  1. cancer is caused by artificial food colorings, nutrasweet, (aspartame) an extremely dangerous chemical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and another extremely dangerous chemical is PARTIALLY HYDROGONATED FAT (rampant in everything in the stores, but hopefully you live near a supermarket chain called whole foods market which has banned these 3 things from their stores, stop eating these things now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cancer is also caused by lack of excercise and a poor diet (mainly too much fat) and breast cancer in women is caused by birth control pills (my opinion)

    excercise can drastically increase your mood , the brain chemicals released are 1000 times more powerful than morphine it might be 100, i forget but(running) not just bike riding, and working out with weights , the weights really make me feel in a good mood, and i can promise you this from my experience lack of excercise is the cause of depression cause i'm a health nut and whenever i slack off for a long time i start feeling depressed. all your other problems will vanish if you follow this advice, just remember your problems are biochemical in nature and NEVER take medication!!!! also starve yourself if you have to but MAKE sure you get enough protein NOT MEAT or CHICKEN preferably eggs and make sure you get enough carbs, NOT fries ,rice, oh, and b complex and C are necessary for the formation of brain chemicals that make you in a good mood, so you must start taking vitamin c and b complex check out GNC store, i take mens formula in a blue bottle, lack of vitamins causes depression too.

  2. i met this girl 2 years ago thru my sister , when we first met in the bar she said outloud hes cute, (i' m real attractive like a calvin klein model) so i tend to take women for granted and i love attention etc. and they routinely ask me out etc, but this has really screwed me up with this situation.......because i get crushes on certain girls too. so the chemistry was great in the bar that night she let me hold her in her arms real tight , her back to my stomach, but this is complicated because she was dating a girl!!!!! and we left the bar and went to another bar where her girlfriend was waiting (i didn't know) and the girlfriend wouldn't let her buy me a drink, so i was like i'll pay for it......so then she called me a couple days later but i didn't want to call her back partly cuz i felt funny with her calling me and then the other girl thing, i didn't want to get burnt, shes real cute and blond tom boyish but so sexy. we have seen we had a talk after that and she said she doesn't really know if she wants to be committed to a gay lifestyle , she was really all over me , so fast forward to now ( i have bumped into her and hugged etc, cuz i didn't want to get involved) now i hear she s dating a guy from the girl , and my sister 2 months ago, my sister says no she's in a committed relationship with a

    girl, (now), this made me get a real mad crush all of a sudden and now i want her in the worst way, so i tracked her down and she said shes dating a guy,and she still gave me her cell phone number, but wouldn't go on a date, but her body language was very intensely good , she was really putting her hands in her hair etc, right after i got her number, i'm so confused cuz my sister says no way shes not interested in you, but she acts otherwise, i don't know if i should call her , how do you think she would react, i get to see her 4,5 times a week cuz of where she works exposed to the public, should i just play it cool and see how she interacts with me? i don't want to get her mad if shes dating someone else, so i'm afraid to call her . any suggestions?

  3. hi i just joined this site today, and i really feel giving people my thoughts, hey i have to post my problem !! but anyway, i think your letter is so sad , love is difficult sometimes but i'm going to reveal a secret to you , people don't care about things that are easy to get and that they take for granted, for instance the book "the rules" as a guy i have to admit that this book is right on the money except i strongly disagree with some of the things in it like you should never smile at a guy or don't accept a date ,without 5 days warning etc. and never call back , and as a guy part of my problem is that this girl i met 2 years ago called me (we exchanged numbers) and when i heard the message on my cell phone i thought oh, she called me now i don't have to call her cause in a guys mind that means i have her to myself and theres no work to be done with getting her.....i think when this guy comes up tell him you have just decided to start dating someone else, and he'll have to talk about it some other time, now PLEASE have the strength to do this!!!!!!!!! it will make him go ballistic IF there is any interest left , it will be like putting gasoline on a little fire going out! i can promise you one thing if you keep chasing him it will drive him away,

  4. men get bored easily in the sex department , even with porn videos like when i used to buy a video it would be only good for about 3 days stimulation wise, just be very thankful hes not cheating on you, porn has probably saved you from that, and i think you should try to see the larger picture as far as your relationship goes, i think the porn is no big deal. just leave him alone. heres some suggestions: get a tattoo on your lower back, dress in high heals and dress real sexy try to compete with the porn, and one important thing from a guy, try to see what these girls look like in the movies and try to get looking like them in the bedroom , for instance if they have big butts and yours is small start gaining weight etc, i just said that because i like big butts,

  5. you never ever ever ever ever ever ever want to be "friends" with a girl,

    there is nothing in it for you EVER, (well as far as turning her into a girlfriend, once your in the friend category it's extremely difficult to get into the boyfriend category. never pay attention to what women say only what they do (extremely important) and the best way to get her back with you is never call her , well for about a month and tell her your seeing someone else, if you don't believe me you'll find out the hard way when you try to talk to her about it, don' t say i didn't warn you before hand

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