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Posts posted by HoniBrown1607306450

  1. What can I say, this letter is inspired by lost love that can never be reclaim.


    We met in the most unusal way, from the first conversation he had my heart. His conversation capture my innermost emotions and I traveled with him on a journey of love.


    He told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved him too. We made plans together and we had dreams and his vision was my vision and my vision was his vision. The bond was so strong that I could hear his heart beat from miles aways. He would take to me and my body would react in ways I never knew possible.


    How could this be, that after all that I just said, that he won't even talk to me. Why did I have to test his love and lose him. Who told me to do that, beside my insecurity inside me that wanted to prove this wasn't too true to believe and why couldn't I just love the man for all that he gave me and why did I want more.


    Why! Now he won't talk to me, and now he won't walk with me, and as I turn and walk away all by myself, some way and some how, I must get him back.


    My mornings are now lonely and my nights are long. I miss his touch and his voice whispering in my ears, now all I have is sad, sad tears.


    Don't ever bother a perfect love, just thank God and you will not be writing this letter like me.

  2. Sitting in a chat room, minding my own business and along comes an instant message full of sweet somethings and also sweet nothings. One thing lead to another and feelings started to get involve and yes those three words from the heart. I Love you. Perfect man I thought, damn, how much sweeter can this get. He's younger, he's handsome, he's got his own business, he's a little chubby but I can handle that, he's sensual, he's romantic and my body just talking to me and my hormones are racing and I'm in love and I'm ready to F@CK! He must be my soul mate we are perfect for one another. He said all the right things. I'm very attractive, got my own business we are a not couple. I finally admitted it, I love you. Everything was there, it was all there, it was all good, everything. But one little thing he didn't mention was the fact that he got a woman at home and this to me is a big problem. Not to mention business financial problems and why when I called him yesterday, his business phone was discconnected and his cousin told me all about what he didn't. Now he talking about, I left him when he needed me the most and that because of me he now hates all women and that it's always something with me, and stupid me said. I still love you too. For one moment in time, I was tempted to work this, but I'm not the one to break up anyone's happy home. This low down dirty dog is smoothe as silk and I'm feeling vunerable and I still want to talk to him and tell him off some more. Please advise me, because I'm hurt for doing little things for him on his birthday and and other occasion and now that I love back he hasn't done anything for me except make me feel hot and you know what comes with that. I'm going to NY in May and I'm tempted to go by and say see what you r missing out on. But, I think I should just let it go. Help.

  3. I think deep down inside you are interested in being with another woman. There has to be something inside of you who would mine being touch and licked by a female in order for you to even think the thought of possibly having another female in your bed. I think you feel it to be safe if you think you are doing it just for your husband there to initiated what you really want deep down inside for yourself. Maybe you want the experience and it's in the back of your mind, because you wouldn't want anyone to possibly think you might be gay and it's easier to say a "threesome" instead of me "to get some". I think you should explore your mind and your feeling. Suggest phone sex with her first instead of doing the real thing and see if you like it and then go from there. Instead of putting her directly in your bed, test it out to see if you think your man might like her better than you and then you adjust accordling. I responded because I felt this needed to be said. We all have some freak in us.

  4. Divorce and glad about it, I thought I would start a new business on the internet and stumble on a chat room called Fine Black Men. This was a good topic since I'm a fine black woman and want the same. Chatting and discovering that most of the conversation is bullcorn and the other half is take it or leave it. But, I was instant message by two men, who are both younger than me. Own their business like me and very attractive like me and have a great conversation. So we eventually exchange phone numbers and then beginning calling each others "well them me" everyday and all through the day. Both of them, still having my attention. I like the fact that these men are far away and not up under me all the time, wanting all my time, and they both say and do all the right things so far. But, they both have found a way to penetrate my heart through conversation and deeds. I want to meet them, they both live in NY, in which, I will also one day. I'm trying to find flaut in one so I can let him go and I cannot. Instead I daydreaming about making love with both of them, not at the same time. I feel like I'm cheating and I'm very careful with my conversation, as I don't want to call one man the other's man name. Both are very different in many ways, but I like them for their qualities in which they individually have. I'm going down in 8 weeks and in trying to decide on how I can do this and see both of them. Before I make my decision. I wanted to check out the physical attraction, does that mean that I will be making love to each of them, yes it does. I'm beginning to feel back, but I can't let go. Someone talk to me and be straight.

  5. I'm a 39 year old professional woman. Who was recently in chat room and met a 31 year old man, who has been in my life every since. I wasn't looking for love and certainly, I feel it probably wasn't the right place. But now, I feel myself falling in love with this man. (At first) I didn't think we could have anything in common but we do. I'm very attractive and tall and he's the same. We both own our own business and now we call each other's constantly. I'm a new grandmother, and I feel like wow, how could I date a 31 year old and my daughter is 20. I love him more and more each day, I have even said I love you to him and he has also. I'm just getting out of a marriage and I'm confused.

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