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Posts posted by frightened1607306443

  1. I split up with my boyfriend of a year about 4 months ago but a few nights ago we confessed to each other that we still had feelings. I always knew he still had feelings for me and he has an obsession. He got drunk and was in an awful state when he told me what the break up had done to him. I didnt want to tell him i still had feelings for him because i am quite happy being on my own but i did. Now im not sure what to do. When we told each other we ended up hugging but that was all and it felt so right. My heart had been aching to hug and kiss him all night but there are so many things wrong between us. He always used to want to see me all the time but i didnt, either i like being on my own or i dislike being with him. I dislike his family too. How do i know if i really love him?

  2. Its only because your boyfriend earns so much that you feel you have to aswell. YOu dont have to get a flat together straight away. You are only young and should perhaps think about moving in together later on in life. Money isnt everything though it helps to have enough to keep you on your feet. From what i can see though you are earning more than enough and perhaps having one job is plenty. You have all this money yet do you really consider yourself happy. Wouldnt you rather work less hours, have a little less money but be happier?

  3. I am a girl actually. I think perhaps i am too scared to be turned down, i wont even talk to this lad that i like at the moment. but if i knew he liked me id make the effort to start to talk to him so we could become good friends and then id perhaps take it a step further

  4. I have a problem when i like someone, i always feel sick. Then when i actually start to date them i am vomiting every morning and i dont eat much at all, probably a sandwhich a day. This makes me tired and ill and i look awful. I can't enjoy myslef when im going out with them because i am so nervous and feel very sick all time. I end up breaking up with them because i can't cope with the stress of it, the sick feeling usually goes on for about 2 months where i vomit every morning. What should i do?

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