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Lone Star1607306437

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Posts posted by Lone Star1607306437

  1. I agree with overcorrect. He is selfish! It sounds like he's playing a game of hide and seek. He hides and waits for you to seek him. Then when you give up he comes out of hiding and say's "here I am!!" Like your suppose to run to him.


    I feel for you and yer son. It's a shame that there are people like yer husband--Ungrounded, Undependable and Unfaithful. He is the U-Man, unwilling to make a U-Turn. So purhaps you need to make your own U-Turn and end this pursuit. It's been leading you to dead-ends and frustration. Look out for the important people in yer life-->Your son, and yourself. Life will get better for you when you've established consistency for you and your son. He will surely miss his Daddy, but his daddy is the one running away. This makes me sad. It's a no-win situation when fathers neglect their kids. Everyone looses. But you can't chase after him anymore. And if he suddenly decides to come back to you, PLEASE don't be quick take him. He's creating too much damage to yer heart and the heart of yer son.


    I do hope you find the absolute best solution to mend your life back. If there is a bright side to this, I guess that would be that you didn't follow him accross the country.


    Hope you discover Happier Trails!


    Lone Star*

  2. Howdy Sage.


    Generally speaking, I agree with you on most of your posts. But I found this post to be somewhat confusing. Are you saying to date again, or stay single? Or what?? In the beginning of the post you advise to "Get away..Enduldge yourself in your hobbies and work." Then you advise to "start dating again." I'm sorry, but it seems confusing to me.


    I guess your basically telling him to do something besides dwell. How does one do this? How does one go about activating one's internal drive?


    Lone Star*

  3. Howdy Alboy.


    first off, be yourself. If you strive too hard to change yerself, you may end up forgetting who ya really are. Make-overs are okay I guess, but don't stop being a pleasant person if that's yer nature. The reason I'm telling you to not change yer personality is cause you'll end up with a chick that will think yer this new person, and then break yer heart if she starts seeing the real you emerge> if that's not the person she finds an attraction to. There are alot of girls out there that'll like you for you>as yerself! So, be yerself! Does this make sense?


    Also. be more outgoing. You can still be yerself, but be more outgoing. Be friendly, and genuinely be interested as well as interesting. Learn some good jokes and practice telling them. Practice facial expressions and animate yer voice a little bit. Doing this is not contradictory to being yerself. It's enhansing yerself.


    Happy Trails!

    Lone Star

  4. I'd stop concentrating on having multiple orgasms, and concentrate on prolonging my sessions. I believe 30 minutes to 1 hour is plenty long.


    If you aren't pleasing your partner, give her more foreplay. Anything less than 15 minutes is not enough. Be gentle and please her before having intercourse. If you feel like your going to blow it too quickly, pause and play with her some more. Then when you've maintained control of yourself, resume the position or try another.


    I think you're way too young to be on viagra! I'd stick it in a vaccum cleaner first!


    Good Luck w/yer malfunctioning member. I'm sure the doc will tell you to cool yer jets just a tad!


    Lone Star *

  5. Way to go Tiger! I knew you had it in you to forget about someone that is not willing to be part of your future. I'm happy for you dude! It took me awhile to get over my anger towards my ex. I didn't get too sad. I got pissed because I started thinking about all the time I wasted on her and the money I could have used on other things like buying another horse or a new pick-em'-up-truck. I started adding things up , which may sound shallow-- but hell, I wanted to know what happened to my investment.

    Finally I wrote her off.


    She called me a few week-ends ago telling me she called "just because she was thinking about me." I said, "Really? How sweet! I've pretty put us out of my mind and I strongly suggest you do the same!" Then she said "Fine!" and hung up. Then 2 days later she called me at 1:30 am but did'nt say anything when I answered. She hung up the second time I said "Hello." I looked at my caller I.D. and it was her. I didn't bother calling her back because I knew that's exactly what she wanted me to do--come to her. She hasn't called me since and I'm glad because she's only wanting me because I'm moving on and dating again. The girl I'm with now is really sweet and prettier anyway!


    Take Care Tiger. See ya around Dude!


    Lone Star *

  6. Okay, first of all it's another love story which has a special place in your heart I'm sure.

    But stop thinking that you'll never get better. You get whatever you settle for. Let me say that again. You get whatever you settle for.


    If I were you, I'd get off my ass and start getting alot of phone numbers.


    The part of you bowing on stage with her in your arms is cool and all, but it wasn't fate. You both decided to make it fate. If it was fate, you would both still be together. And I know it's hard as hell to forget a girl that you love--which I'm certain you do. But come on man, she's dating other people. So why not you?? You have hormones right? Go activate them! You're still young. You still have many many many good times ahead of you. You could even throw a party to celebrate being single. I did that when I was 20 and ended up getting lucky that night. It works-I promise. I'd bet my boots on it!!


    So stop fretting about finding someone as good as her. You can find better. Go market yourself. You DO know how to market yourself right??


    Anyway, good luck! And I hope you're not offended by my advice. I really hate to see people suffer so needlessly. Get rid of anything around your house that reminds you of her. Tell her not to call you anymore and be damn strong when you say it. Don't cry! NEVER let her see you cry-if you do cry! You need to show her that your a man of strength and courage. A man who is happy being who he is-- with or without anyone. A man who is fun to hang out with. Seriously!! Survive this!!


    Lone Star *

  7. That's cool BrokenHearted. I'm glad you're doin better with the B.S. Remember, it's all in perception of the situation. If you act like you don't care, soon enough you really will believe you don't care and it becomes natural. For some, this is a natural built-in security mechanism that gets triggered whenever they feel threatened that things might not work out. They automatically turn the 'I don't give a damn' attitude on. Unfortunately those curious feeling's of wonder do get played sometimes. Like wondering if the lost love is happier now, or more miserable. And of course we naturally want them to feel more miserable--those damn losers!!


    Keep up the progress and keep dating these new chicks, but remember the ol' saying, "If it smells like cologne--leave it alone, If it smells like fish, eat all you wish!"


    Lone Star

  8. I certainly do.

    Steer clear of caffiene, too much sugar, alot of starchy foods Like potato's and crap like that. You need to try to eat healthier foods, and excersise regularly. Find ways to manage your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.


    Learn to calm yourself. If you feel like yer about to panic, just count backwards slowly from 20 or 10. I've learned that counting actually works because it forces you touse the oposite side of the brain than your right side (Where your emotions come from). It may have been something I even read in one of these post's, but I did read it. Jerkin off helps too. Of course I wouldn't know anything about that!!


    Lone Star ***

  9. So you want a little glimmer of hope?

    It does happen. More often than not ,it doesn't. But it does happen.

    I've been lucky enough to have it happen atleast five or more times. You heard these stories-On again, off again like a frickin lite bulb.

    I've had ex-girlfriends call me back from anywhere from a week to believe it or not 15 years!! The girl that called me 15 years later broke up with me when I was 16- she was 17. I moved to a town accross state, then she found someone else about 4 months later. When I moved back to Longview, I called her up. She wasn't even interested in talking. It completely broke my heart because this was the first woman I fell in love with.

    Then years later, 15 to be precise, she called my house and left a messege on my answering machine. I was really interested in seeing her, but I had a girlfriend. I called her back to talk to her, but told her about my girlfriend so we never hooked up. Then about 3 months later my girlfriend and I broke up, so I called Julie again. We decided to meet. She was very pretty and hardly aged a bit. We became intimate that evening (I know --too much info), and started a non-serious relationship.

    However, weeks passed and I realized we were both alot different than we were 15 years before. She was very set in her ways and I in mine. We basically let it fade out naturally by not calling each other. No fight or anything.


    More recently, 1997 another girl I had been dating for a few years broke it off with me. I left her alone for about 4 months, then called her up and said I found some things when I was cleaning my apartment that belonged to her. She invited me over. Those things that I had were letters and cards she gave me, some pictures and other memoirs. We looked at these together and both cried together. That led to hugging and that led to....well....you know. We ended up back together.


    So there you have it. I guess you just need to follow your heart, but be prepared for rejection--just in case.


    Gool Luck


    Lone Star

  10. Well Howdy There Ms. cuteshortnsassy19!!


    I'm with you. I didnt see anythin wrong with the scotsman's post/if that's the sunject. i don't agree with everything he wrote, but opinions are like

    a - holes. (aysshowles), everbody has one. parden the colorful language.


    women like confidnt men. not wussies. women like men that are true 2 them, but not clingy 2 them. i believe that was the REAL messege. NOT how 2 be a playa. scotsman did say a prince charming is busy with many many women, but prob. meant too busy to worry weather or not a new lady will want him. it's all pretty much about confidence. Well written stuff, but not for everyone.


    Hope 2 hear from u again ms.cuteshortnsassy19.


    otta heare!

    Lone Star

  11. Howdy Melly 2002.


    Your question; Did my ex cheat on me? No. Not that I know of. She just decided to move on. Her excuse was she would be too busy between school and work to have a relationship with me. I think truthfully it was just that we are so different. I'm pretty much over her now, but still get caught up in memories now and again. It's been over a month since i cried over her. I'm taking a break from dating for awhile. I guess I'm tired of the b.s. that comes w/it (relationships). You know, you put up the guard for a few weeks. then you take your guard down because they insist you are the only one they want. thenabout a year or two later, they get tired of the same ol stuff and want to try whatever is on the otherside of the fence. I reckon i'm learnin from all of this.


    How's things with ya'll? Moving on yet? Got a new feller yet?

    Lemmie know what's up w/ya.




    Lone Star

  12. (me in a Threesome...I'm in the middle )


    Okay that's not very funny.


    I'm sorry


    I'm just poking around reading these posts, and I'm also in a severed relationship.


    I'm still in denial...sort of. I mean, I know she's gone. Usually I deal fine with it, but sometimes I fret about it when it's time to go to bed. I'm on this forum and others like it searching for wisdom. Guess I have a long way to go. Sometimes I just sigh and say, "What's the use of all this?"

    I know I won't be calling her. I'm not sure I'd take her back if she came crawling. I'm still pissed at her. Remember ladies, it's okay to be pissed. In case pissed gets sensored I'm saying, " pysst". "PYSST" I tell you!!!


    Well find yer peace and move on!


    Lone Star

  13. Hey there Ms. Pictures. I'm sorry yer grieving over that feller.

    Take it a breath at a time and don't worry about the tears..let em' rip!

    Jest remember that you were fine before he came along and you will be fine again. You found good company coming to this forum. We're all a bunch of losers...okay we're not losers. It just makes you feel that way sometimes when you're the one left holding the bag. Makes you want to put dog poop in the bag, put it on his porch and set it on fire dosen't it?!


    Hope you find peace little lady. God bless ya!


    Lone Star

  14. Granted, this is one of the best posts I've read, yet the simple fact is..

    It's very.. very hard to just turn feeling's off for a gal or a guy if you've been in a serious relationship for any decent length of time.


    Most people are familiar with themselves, and I agree-some are content with being a fraction of their potential--Me included. I'm only 26 yrs old and have a long way to go before I'm ready to grow up! I'm still having alot of fun! It just so happens I'm hitting a low, with my fairly recent break-up.


    Break-ups are hard to deal with. We're all human! Emotions of all types are part of the human spirit. Being sad sucks, but it can be good for you. Once you're past the pain, it almost seems like life becomes better than ever before...well, atleast in my experiences. I'm not saying your post are not helpful, ..they are! I'm just saying that some of the advice I read seems extremely recondite!! Some of it is beyond my scope.


    I cannot help but cry sometimes when she enters my mind, and I'm cool with that. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I love her still, and most likely will for quite some time. I don't plan to call her or make any contact with her what-so-ever, but if she should call me, I won't play any head games with her. I would probably take her back in a heartbeat if she's truly sorry for ending it with me. I Would very likely forgive her. Maybe that's being dependant, so be it. To me it's L-O-V-E!


    Anyway' Mr.Grneyedscotsman, you do have good advice, I'm just not sure it's for everyone!


    Take care and Godspeed to you! ( I think you said Godspeed is wishing a properous jurney? )


    Lone Star Yippie Ki Eh Mother F k r!!

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