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o not alone o 1234506

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Posts posted by o not alone o 1234506

  1. ok so...


    i asked him again and he really flipped out saying "LISTEN...I DONT LIKE HER AND I NEVER WILL....ID NEVER DO THAT AND MAYBE UR JUST FREAKIN CRAZY BECAUSE YOU WANT TO....thats cheating and no i do not want to have sex with anyone but you....so leave me alone im busy at work and i never want to hear this * * * * ever again come up"


    now he thinks i want to...and i dont...

    how do i act,....do i keep this girl as my friend...

    i have a feeling there swingers... i swear there filling us both out to see if we want to....oh goodness.... weird....


    still be her friend?... even if her bf said he wants to have sex with me when he was drunk...and even if she told me she wante dto have sex with him when SHE was drunk (yesterday)...



    someone please slap me in the face of reality

  2. 0OK NOW.... "jess do u want to?" and i said "no thats cheating" and he said.... "ya sure u dont...i gatta get back to work(than he hung up)"....


    he alwasy thought i was attracted to her husband...he always said that to me....


    now he wont answer his phone

    is he waiting for me to say that i want to so he can say he wants to

    is he waiting for me to say no so he can say no

    is he tryign to act like he wants to to see if i really would so that he can fill me out and see if im really gonna be faithful forever



    im so nervous and upset about this....this is a really bad situation... what if we really never know...


    i wouldnt ever cheat on scott...i wouldtn ever sleep with another man when i have a man already....


    im scared...wers this gonna take us!

  3. i was out with my friend last night...and we went to eat and park and started talking...and she started mentioning to me how she found my boyfriend atractive...and how her husband said that i was attractive to... and than we basically started talking into a deep conversation...and she basically told me that she wanted to have sex wtih my boyfriend...and she asked me my boyfriend and i were into 4 sums.


    I couldnt stop laughing. I didnt think she was serious....and we were drinking....but than i realized she was serious... and she said that i have stuff in common with her boyfriend and she has stuff in common with mine...


    i dont know how to take this....

    shes a good friend... but a wild one....

    and if you wondering what im thinking..... yes i find her husband attractive...but i would never do it...


    she has been wtih her husband for 7 years

    and ive been wtih my boyfriend for 6.... they both work in the same field...and our boyfriends are best friends.


    How should I feel about this.... should i feel that i have to watfch my back all the time.... or should I feel that I know my boyfriend wouldnt ever do such a thing to me... (no effence to those who do it) ... but its just not something that i would do.


    can someone please explain this to me...

    is it because hes such a good faithful man to me and everyone thinks we have such a great relationship and maybe people just want to test us....



    someone... please give me some insight

  4. but...im afraid...what if it comes down to...i just SUCK...and im not good at what i do...


    i really would like a drill...honestly...but...like i said...i cant pull one out of my butt right now and say HERE IT IS...


    of course ill get a second job...i have an interview the 7th...and im waiting on that first...


    i just wish i was as good as a lot of peopel out there...but when it coems down to it...i just feel depressed... i do them and they look so nice,...than the lady comes back and says some of them came off or are lifting...


    i dont know...i am trying not to mention thigns to my friends about work and my life as much as i do...even my boyfriend... so i guess i figured i would turn to here and talk to you guys....



    mzzyc if i could talk to you more since you understand me....that would be awsome.... jessLca6 (aim)


    Yeah ...my beauty school does hair and all that...but i just wanted to go for nails so they just signed me up for nail classes....

  5. hi. i graduated from beauty school...for doing nails... (the women know what im talking about...the manicures, pedicures, acrylics)...stuff like that


    a lot of oriental salons are making it big time...

    but it just seems as if ...i cant get anywere.... ive had a job for about 4 weeks now... and still havent built up a clientel... maybe its because some of my nails come off of certain people... i havent had enough money to buy a nail drill yet...and i went to a shop and they said that was my problem...you HAVE to have a nail drill


    i just feel that ill never add up to what the oriental people make...there so quick and amazing... and i absolutly hated them... i despised of them... than i went to one and told them what my problem was...and he actually turned me around FULLY... I couldnt blieve how much he helped me.... and for that... he changed the way i thought of them 100%...


    when you are working straight comission...and you only get what you bring in...no FOR SURE pay check every 2 weeks...



    how do you hold your head up high?... how do you NOT give up...


    i have another job interview on the 7th at a salon...


    what if they offer better...


    do i leave this place im at now...(They were nice enough to give me a booth and a chance...out of school even...) do i up and leave these nice people for the sake of myself...


    do i even KEEP this career... or in some people...am i JUST NOT fit out for this perfession

  6. hi.... i was just on here to get advice and maybe some prices on things... the job that i have doesnt involve insurence... so i will have to pay for that myself... my mother wants to...but i my boyfriend and i are looking at houses and i just really want to do everything myself... is it possible...


    ok let me think here.... can anyone give me totals...it doesnt have to be exact...but... for those of you who know...


    how much about...is a morgage payment... or car insurence and health insurence a month....


    here is what i figured:


    car insurence - 200 a month

    health insurence - 300 a month

    Morgage - 200 a month


    this is just on my side... my boyfriend with do probably most of the morgage



    i dont know what to do i dont want to give to low of prices...can anyone help me out???



    u dont have to be exact

  7. i dont know...hes a cop....after he became one he kinda went with them to bars a hole lot...but hes been working nights so he cant really go out...and instad of drinking latley hes been asking to go to the movies and its been 2 weeks and we havent went out...i think he also sees the money is going quick...


    i donno... i really just dont know... its to soon to tell i guess....

    all i know is...he bings me all the time... and when were out he drinks a looooot....but latley like i said...things have been ok cuz he works....



    and when he went ot hte police academy...the first thing he said to me was this


    "75% of relationships/marrages fail when you become a police man..." and were trying VERY hard to not make that happen to us


    because if u love someone...you wont give up!

    i just cant give up on him yet...i just cant...


    but yet i think....i sit and i think.....

  8. well...im not married to him...but i tell you what.... hes such a good guy and he has the same out look on life and outlook on things as i do... hes so great...maybe we need a vacation....


    i cant jump the gun on this one...because it may turn out that i raelly made a big mistake...


    he knows how i feel... i know how he feels...i guess i just gatta wait it out...because if i truley didnt love him....or was really THAT bored... i would have ended it without a doubt...




  9. i realize that theres no more spark with my boyfriend and i of 6 years... is that bad? i mean... i feel different...no more running to the phone when he calls... no more butterflies (well not recently)...


    does that mean its over....does that mean move on?

    i know its winter and its so hard to go do things and maybe i just got the winter jitters...but its not like im gonna go look for anyone else...but its so boring...



    it hurts feeling this way...it hurts even more telling him... he doesnt understand it... he thinks im always out to look for someone else....


    any ladys know what i mean?... i love him... i mean common hes one of the good ones... its just...so boring though...


    we dont live together and we work separate shifts...hes starting to drink a good bit but we both just turned 21 a year ago so...i guess u cant blame him...


    maybe if we moved in together things would be different...


    anyone ?...

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