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Posts posted by JimJohnson

  1. I think I will try the Hot Rock Massage thing. I know my girlfriend has been really wanting one of those little Alpine GPS Navigation units..Do you think she is just saying that because I want one or is that something a lady would really appreciate?


    Thank you everyone for your responses

  2. Hi Everyone,

    My girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and I want to get her something just because I know she has been going through a lot with working all the time to save and hasnt had much time to do any relaxing...I am wondering if I can get some suggestions on something you would appreciate from your Husband or Boyfriend. Something that would make you smile and feel appreciated. Thank you

  3. Hi I am using my buddies username so his previous posts have nothing to do with me. But anyways. Me and my girlfriend are having a dispute on whose last name should appear on the Birth Certificate of our unborn baby. We are not married yet and she thinks it will protect the baby if it has her last name. I was wondering that if I was proven to be the father after paternity test and we could not agree on the last name, who indefinitely gets to make the decision. I was reading on other states and I see that they usually will hyphenate the last name in alphabetical order. I live in California and was wondering if anyone has had this issue. I am stressed right now because I feel that tradition is that the baby will have the fathers surname and she is taking that away from me. Please let me know if you have any experience with this type of situation.

  4. Hello Everyone. I have decided to come here to ask for some advice. My work transferred me to another location so while I was there I wanted everyone to think I was older. So when people asked my age I told everyone I was 24...I continued with that because if I told them the truth that I was 20 that it would be hard for me to get a promotion and so on. So while I was telling people I was 24 I met this girl I work with. She is 25. She always asked me how old I was so I continued to lie about my age so nobody would find out...Well as time when on I started to build feelings for her and she felt the same way. I no longer work at that location and have relocated. We still talk and there have been talks about maybe getting together. The thing is I am afraid to tell her I am 20 because she may look at me a lot different because I have been lying to her. She is the sweetest lady and really brings out the best in me. I want to tell her but am worried that it will ruin everything. Any thoughts on how I should go about telling her? Should I wait til I am 21 so she doesnt think I can go out to the restaurants and do things people 21 can do? I am confused on what to do....

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