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Posts posted by Mark1016

  1. Ok, first let me say that I think this guy is a sleazeball. Second, I think you may be able to press charges if your did it under duress. Third, oral sex is extremely personal. If you felt he was pushing too hard, you may have been able to get away with just a handjob and then call the cops later. It sounds like he got excited being in your presense all alone and needed a release and the handjob offer might have worked.


    Lastly, never put yourself in the position of having to make a decision like this. You need to look ahead at possible repurcussions of situations you may be getting yourself in to.

  2. I like chubby white girls, why won't they like me back? Is it because I'm not chubby?



    I also like skinny tall korean girls but they don't like me either.

    Just because a woman isn't a size 2 doesn't necessarily make them chubby. I am glad to see the fashion world turn away the anorexic girls for more normal sized. Maybe society will realize that chubby is really the norm and not the other way around.

  3. ooooo cream on the labia? owww! I have had too many chemical burns on my legs from that crap.


    I definitely would encourage anyone new at the shaving technique to take a warm bath first and then sit on the edge of the tub. That is how I learned and now can do a quick clean up standing in the shower. I usually miss something though (shower is a little dim) so I always take a bath once a week to make sure everything gets squeaky clean.


    I like to be clean shaven down there, Ive got a hell of a bush and feel almost matronly when its grown out. I also feel cleaner with a smooth cooch.

    It's shame you cut off that nice bush!

  4. Just out of curiosity - does pubic hair make much of a difference to you during sex? I've only had one partner so I wouldn't know any different.My friends and I on a girls' night out at a bar were discussing the topic and we couldn't arrive at an answer we all agreed on. Just curious...

    My preference is full bush, but neatly trimmed and clean.

  5. Question: how do the "squirter girls" achieve this generally? By external stimulation or by intercourse?


    Also... I don't get why the put it like "it is believed..." like if it was some kind of legend or fairy tale. Coz it does happen...




    Is it more likely to experience it with a partner? Cuz I was flying solo...


    Thanks BTR

    Usually it is associated with massaging the g-spot on the upper wall of the vagina.

  6. No! Please! No deleting!


    Insight? Facts? Anyone?


    I'm really not ready yet to make jokes about it.... I was just being sarcastic cuz I need to know how am I supposed to take this...


    Relax. I have been with a couple of women who could shoot accross the room. I found it incredibly sexy and an ego boost for me. I knew she was thoroughly enjoying the experience.

  7. I should also say that horniess depends on age. When women are in the peak of their childbearing years, they tend to be very horny. Then, it cools off for awhile. Then, when they hit about 37 or 38, WATCH OUT! They will screw the bedpost if they can't find anything else. It must be the natural cycle telling them they are running out of time to have a baby.

  8. The whole thing about guys being horny all the time isn't entirely accurate. There have been plenty of times where I haven't been interested and it's taken minor miracles for me to get turned on. I think the real key for women is they need to feel loved and desired for those moods to kick in. Just grabbing her boobs and shouting "Hold on!" ain't the way to do that. Well, maybe sometimes...


    Ladies, please feel free to put me in my place if I'm off on that.

    I think it totally depends on the woman. Some take some work to get the pump primed and others walk around wet all the time. I know my wife would get horny just by seeing my penis, whether soft or hard. If it was soft, she made sure it didn't stay that way long.

  9. I've heard of this but never have had anyone I know tell me they actually used a condom during oral.


    I don't fully understand the concept of using one for oral except for the disease factor. BUT, if you know your partner well enough and don't go blowing guys left and right, then you won't have to worry about this. I understand people lie but that's part of the risk of any and all relationships that involve sex.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Don't go around blowing anything that walks.


    I have 2 teenagers and I have learned that girls nowdays give blowjobs like its no big deal. When I was in high school, if you got some "stinky on the pinky" you had scored big time. Now it seems everything starts with a BJ as part of the "friends with benefits" thing.

  10. I am going out on a limb here. Women and men think differently when it comes to love and sex. Women (most) need the emotions that come with having sex. Men, on the other hand, can just have sex without any (or much) feeling at all. It's part of the "spread your seed" phenominum. Just because a guy (I am not condoning this) has sex with another woman does not mean he loves you any less. Women, be careful of falling for a guy that is in a relationship. Chances are you are only a "strange" piece to him and he will go back to his girl once he has his jollies.


    This has been going on for thousands of years... Woman falls in love with man; man cheats on woman; woman gets heart broken (takes all his money); man doesn't understand what all the hoopla is about and finds another woman and the cycle starts all over again.

  11. I'm back with my depression/suicidal thoughts. Talked to the ex tonight and she didn't make things any better. I cut myself a lot last weekend..after the break-up. I'm really thinking about purchasing a gun next time and making it quick instead of this agonizing, slow, painful, internally wrenching hurt. I've really gotten to my super low points and it's killing me every time. I'm waving the white flag

    Just remember, dying is permanent. This phase of your life is temporary. You don't get a second chance if you kill yourself. No-one is worth killing yourself over.


    We all have god-given talents that we need to make the best of. I am sure that if you take inventory of what is important in your life, you will that your ex really isn't at the top of the list. If you kill yourself, she will still be here and living her life and guess what? She won. Don't give her the satisfaction.


    Hang in there Buddy and go get some professional help.

  12. Hi new to this website but I have a question regarding shoe size and the size of the penis when erect. I know this is an age old question but I want to know if this is myth or true. Maybe some guys can give both their shoe size and their penis size to verify this myth or to leave it as such a myth.


    I'll go first for now I kind of believe that shoe and penis size go together because my boyfriend wears a size 12 shoe and has a 8 1/2 inch penis when erect. I am using USA shoe size measurements.

    I am 6'1" and wear a size 9 EEE. My penis is average in length but thicker than most.

  13. That's fine. I understand where you're coming from, as it's not personally arousing to me either. But keep in mind that is not the question that the original poster was asking. So when it comes down to it, her knowing our opinions on not finding it arousing, won't help her at all to answer her question.



    I have fisted partners before. It doesn't always start out as the intention. In my experience (I love to use my hands) many women continue to ask for more fingers as they push and thrust. Before long, I have four fingers up to the knuckles and it doesn't take much for the rest of my hand to slide right in before they realize it.

  14. I can last pretty much as long as I want to.. All I do when Iget close to going off is relax all muscles a bit and it goes away for another 5 min or so, sometimes I need to think of something else for a while too though.


    Only problem is I sometimes last too long.. And I end up boring both of us for about 5 or 10 min before I can get it over with

    Well, if the lady really turns me on both physically and mentally, I will pop almost as soon as I touch her. Once I regain, I can last pretty much indefinitely. I am a very visual person. If she is "attractive" in the southern region, I am a goner.


    I think the main thing is the connection. If I care about her, I last a shorter period of time. Go figure.

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