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Posts posted by hope2007

  1. Almost 22, I was 37 when I met a young 20 year old. We were together for 7 years. I'm now 44 and he is 27. We just ended our relationship, cause all of sudden he now wanted kids. You are young, you need to live your life, in your twenties, you learn about love, you learn about yourself, you figure out what you want. I know you love her, how can you not. Women at that age are sure of there bodies, the have lived through there 20's. THey know what they want and need.I met him only for sex, but it didn't turn out ther way, it was instant attraction and we were inseparable. Off course we had our ups and downs. I would just chalk this one up as an expierence you will never forget. Good luck!

  2. meantime, my family never acceppted him. His family however did accept me. I miss him so much. But since I started reading here, I feel better, this is the place I come to release, I don't have a problem of the NC. I just know he will contact me when he is down or things are not going well for him. It is just a matter of time. It it hard now, keeping my distance from his family. His mom and I became best friends, go figure. I try not to think about him, but it seems i think about him all the time. I meet him when he was 20, he is now 27, i can see why he wanted to make a life of his own, you see I already have kids from my first relationship.

  3. I'm having a good day today, I believe this site has helped me. it keeps me taking one day at a time, believe you me, I'm still thinking hard about him, thinking of all the things we had talked about in the future. But it is over, still having a hard time excepting it. I don't cry as much, cause i can't change a thing. I can only change me. I can only take care of me right now. I don't feel so alone anymore, I have you guys here and your shared feelings. Keep talking i need that.

  4. I feel you. It breaks my heart to see someone in so much pain as I am. I know it is hard to think it is over. You will never get the answers you seek, you will never know. That is what makes me so crazy. I have made no attempt to contact him, day 8 now. It is his life now. I need to take care of myself, mind you, if I did't have this site, i don't know what I would be doing. I have read alot of people's stories and they so hit home. You take one day at a time, find things to do, keep your mind busy, it doesn't go away that fast, i mean the pain. My heart hurts, deep. and just talking to someone or even posting a reply has helped me. Hang in there. Have faith and hope.

  5. Hi needingadvise, thanks for writing. No we have not talked for 7 days. My relationship with him is a long story, the short of it is, Im older he is younger. I know it is over, I have come to excpet that, but inthe pass, he seems to call me when things dont work out for him, Some how we have this emotional connection. that when we see or hear the other persons voice, we some how get back together for a while. I'm trying to do the one day at a time, I call a friend, I'm the needy girl now. When someone has been such a part of your life for that long, it is like withdrawal from caffine. Right now this site seems to be my life line. I'm so lost

  6. Reading everyones replys to you, I totally understand, I'm on day 7. Just ended a 7 year relationship with a younger man. Still hard, I cry, my heart aches, I just don't know how to move forward. I know when he needs a boost he will call or email me, I fear this so much. Cause in the pass I have given in. I know in my head i deserve much better, man my heart though, is so broken. I just needed to talk, I can't stop crying, and reading what people are saying, is going to help. One day at a time, that is all i can do, and just try to not think so much about him.

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