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Posts posted by meechigan

  1. Some counselors talk about different "languages of love."


    Basically, where some people express love by way of "gifts" or "physical intimacy," others may only understand love expressed as "quality time" or "affirmations."


    Communicate to him the importance of hearing "I love you" from him before you even say it. Maybe he needs some guidance from you.

  2. As a former English teacher, I can tell you how Magic Johnson learned to play basketball. I can tell you how Eric Clapton became a great guitarist. And I can tell you how to become a good writer.


    Same answer to all: "PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE."


    Pay attention to the remarks the teacher writes on the graded paper. And visit the teacher outside of class and ask as many questions as you can. Many students fail to take advantage of the teacher as a resource outside of class. (Also you'll make yourself known to the teacher and that can never hurt.)

  3. It would be easy for me to sit here and tell you, "Quality is more important than quantity." So let me put it this way.


    I just asked my 17 year old daughter, a "Myspace" veteran, how many of her 160 contacts she actually considers "friends."


    Her answer, "About 20."


    My hunch is that collecting friends on spacebook is more a matter of time than popularity. Many casual contacts stay there because the myspace owner feels reluctant to "delete" them. "Deleting" a friend sounds so harsh.


    Quality friendship takes time and effort. You sound intelligent and thoughtful. Give it time. You are not a loser, just a newbie.


    Like I am on eNotAlone.

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