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Posts posted by Hedidwot

  1. Hey... I have wasted so many oportunities because of STUFF people said to me. I now believe that if a person is nasty even in fun... WALK AWAY!! Who needs to be put down all the time? OK the truth hurts.. but not when it ultimately changes you into a better person. This person is a bully.

  2. Carl Marx said that religion was the opium of the people. Hence a major key to the world's woes. Beleiving is a far different thing than having a religion. True believers are sharp and not a bunch of sheep who believe everything a preacher says. You have to look in the Bible and find YOUR revelation EVEN if it is different from what the oldies say. Question EVERYTHING. If you do not have a personal conviction of Jesus you will turn into another clone. The purpose of the resurrection was that EVERY individual had access to God and can find the freedom to live a full life. I have seen a lot of wrong done because of supposed revealtions.. BEWARE!! All the best in your quest.

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