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Posts posted by justasking

  1. i hear all the time that when a man get's in a relationship with one women my get bored but what if that women got bored of you sex and told you that you just dont do it for her any more and just let you go no matter how much you loved her or she said that she loved you and wanted to be with you but she think she just would have to cheat to be happy what would you say

  2. you should try and talk to her in person and tell her that she is you wife and that if she dose not want the marriage then there is nothing for you to talk about and she should let you move on i dont know what you did but sometimes wemon dont know what they have into its gone. just dot talk to her at all and she will think you have moved on dont show her that you are hurting show her that you are not a cild and that you are a man that will make it with out here my guess is that she will think that you are seening someone else and want you back but if she dose dont take her back right away tell her that you two are not kids and that you guys should work out your problems and not run away from them....

  3. yes i do but i can go with out and from when i frist seen his penis i really got scaried i just want to please him he dose oral and that tures him on amd he want to have sex but i always chicken out and get upset and he try's to make me feel better but i feel bad cause i want him to be happy

  4. Well i try all of that foreplay and the finger thing. And i dont drink so what should i do. nothing works i try to look away when he enters me. but i end up stoping him we talk about it he said he want do anything to try and hurt me and i know that and i love him very much and he love's me but he's getting upset with me we went on our honeymoon and it was great we had fun but we are home now and have been for two weeks but have been married for 4 weeks he's 25 and im 22 and his penis is 11inc IM NOT PLAYING HERE...he has had sex before when he was younger around 18 19 he stop cause he wanted to wait for marriage what should i do

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