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Posts posted by ancatdubh

  1. I think it might be overkill, too.


    One thing to keep in mind is with this much buildup he is going to feel an INCREDIBLE amount of pressure to perform. A lot of guys like me are a bit turned off by the pressure, we like things to be a little more spontaneous. Not sure how your guy will react though. It might be a little too much for the first time. However, I am SURE he will appreciate the THOUGHT that you've put into this. Maybe tone it down a bit until you've gotten to know eachother sexually a little better.

  2. I'm so sorry. I went thru a the same thing last year with someone I had been with for almost 6 years. I'll give you the same advice everyone gave me - move on. Moving on is not giving up... it does nothing to diminish your chances of reuniting. In fact it improves your chances. Continue to make the positive changes you have been making. I was convinced that I'd never be happy without her or with someone else. Now I am exactly that. The person you need to get back is yourself.


    Best of luck to you...

  3. if you talk to women on internet dating the way you are talking here, I am sorry to say (this may be harsh) but I am not surprised.


    Try to learn some communication skills, how to make a conversation flow. Don't ask close ended questions (questions that can only be answered with a yes/no or very short answer)

    Look for things in her answer that you can talk about with your own experiences (oh, you have been to Europe, I went backpacking when I was 17 for 5 months, my favourite places were..... what part did you enjoy the most)

    Act interested in things that she likes, even if you aren't over interested in it.

    No one will want to talk to you if you constantly answer with




    "it's ok"

    "i dont mind"










    Gotta agree w/ that one. Plus, I'm really sorry, but do you have the same picture on your dating profiles that you have here??? Seriously, what's up w/ that pic?

  4. OK so the consensus seems to be I'm really unusual. It seems maybe this is anxiety related for me, cuz the more I've been w/ someone the sooner and more often I get hard w/o contact. It's weird tho cuz I still get erect no problem, I just need a helping hand so to speak, and staying power is no problem either. Anyone else out there like me? I thought I was 'enotalone' but maybe I am!?!?!?

  5. Thanks for the feedback - that was quick. I guess I'm not asking so much about spontaneous boners that happen for no reason. I'm talking about when you are starting to get intimate, cuddling, foreplay, etc, and you need physical stimulation to get hard, is that normal?

  6. Hi I'm a new member and I think this is a great site. Anyway my question is for the female members:


    When and how should a guy get an erection? During foreplay? Before his clothes are off? Just on his own from the mental excitement? Or from physical contact? Lot's of the time I don't get hard until a woman touches my penis or I do it myself, but other times it just does it as soon as we start making out? What's normal? What's preferred?


    Sorry for the weird question!

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