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Posts posted by Mithivh

  1. Cook for eachother, like resturant food.


    This idea has worked for my girlfriend and I in the past! Cooking is always fun because you can goof around during it. We haven't went through a single cooking session without her getting something on her nose.


    I'd say find one of the things you guys enjoy doing for a hobby and try doing it as a couple

    My girlfriend has always been into playing these olllld N64 video games and she enjoys kicking my butt in them. I enjoy it too because I pretend like I won some games when we talk about it later.


    You could have an indoor picnic or go out and take a stroll around your neighborhood or something.


    Hope some of this could spark ideas for you!

  2. I think the alternative would be to not be friends with him anymore so she doesn't take the risk of getting hurt by him again. He hasn't shown any signs of feeling bad about manipulating her so why should she set herself up for it to happen again?

  3. Hello everyone,


    I've gotten opinions and advice from these forums before so I thought I'd throw out a question for you guys. I really need the help.


    One day (about a month and a half ago) my girlfriend was at rehearsals for a church thing, and afterwards she was with two (guy) friends of hers.

    She asked one of them to go down to the basement with her to see how the reconstruction was going from a flood the church had earlier in the week.


    Basically what happened was: he asked her to give him a hug (I'm still not quite sure why, I think he just said he "needed one") and then he kissed her.

    She pushed him away and said she was taken and left. I really wasn't upset because it wasn't her fault, I mean when she asked him down to the basement it was solely as friends. In my opinion, the guy completely manipulated the friendship into kissing her.


    What confuses me is she has already forgiven him for doing this! He has never apologized or anything, but she now sits next to him at church and talks to him like nothing happened. Is this normal? What would you do if you were in her position? Should I be upset over this or is it normal to forgive someone this quickly (and for something as big as this)?

    Also, the guy KNEW she was with me because he had seen us together [kissing] a few days earlier.

  4. I've gotten the same things from girls... I think they believe they're doing you a favor by not saying no right off the bat instead of saying no.


    I usually just casually and calmly say "In other words, you mean no?" with a smile. It removes the need to try again later.


    I've heard from friends that how you introduce yourself to girls helps determine how they say no (unless ofcourse they want to say yes)

    For instance if you rush into asking them out, they might panic and say "maybe" just to avoid coming off as mean by saying "no".

    I don't know how you've started the conversations but maybe you could try slowing down, or changing your approach.


    Hope some of this helps,



  5. I have the same problem as you. I think the best thing you can do is to start to believe in yourself and the things you do. Your girlfriend loves you from what you've said, so just focus on showing her that love back!


    Personally when I start thinking an insecure thought I just push it away in any way that I can. One way is thinking "My girlfriend DID say yes to me when I asked her out, and she didn't even know me as well back then."

    I always used to ask my girlfriend if she was happy with me, but after a while I found out that just pushing away that insecurity and focusing on actually having fun with her solved everything.


    If you mean physically you feel insecure around her, I think CluelessGuy321 had a good point. Working out would help your body-image a lot, which would probably get rid of any physical insecurities.


    Hope some of this helped!




    -another 17 year old guy

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