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Posts posted by Jessew

  1. I had a simmilar situation, only mine drug on for 4 years.. In the end I got simmliar worsd saying tha tI was used and stupid.


    I know they did not mean it and it was just there way to detach and keep me from contacting them.


    Only Shallow people do this kind of thing, and nobody need to dwell over people like this. The feeling you have is because you feel used, it will go away, Just chalk it up as a mistake and next time around use it as a tool not to get used again. and dont forget, You are better then anyone that writes you an E-mail like that....

  2. Ok so there is this girl I have been interested in for a couple weeks now. She works at a place I frequent daily. I have been trying to determine if she has a boyfriend or not. Last night I was there and she was not working but one of her friends was. I casually ask when she worked next and if she has a boyfriend. Her fiend got a big smile on her face and said no why? I said because I’m going to ask her out.

    Instantly the smile dropped off her face! Like I said something wrong. And she said very sharply “she’s a {Mod Edit}” I was totally shocked and I said “what” and she said ya she is a big {Mod Edit} but don’t tell her I told you that.

    I was very set aside, I did not know what to say or think. So I said well what do you mean exactly? And she said I’m just warning you she’s High maintenance and she’s just a mean {Mod Edit} I should know I’m her friend. I almost laughed what kind of friend says this about their friend?


    I guess my question is why would this girl tell me this about her friend? Is it a jealousy thing? Are girls that cut throat agents each other?


  3. Sadly it sounds like you and her might not be on the same page anymore. From what you wrote it sounds like she is trying to detach and possably just can not close the deal because she knows it will crush you. You should probably break it off now, if she really wants to be with you she will come back. I know this is easire said then done but the sleepless nights will not stop until you know the truth and can move on.

  4. Ok here’s the deal. For the last couple weeks I have been attracted to this girl at the tanning salon. I’m very in-experienced with dating and I have not done it is about 3 years. I consider myself very attractive and look quite a bit younger then my age. I’m usually not shy but I for some reason cant seem to get past just normal conversation with her and ask for her number or out. I am afraid of rejection and really would like to be more comfortable in knowing if she is truly interested


    So I’m 29, she is 19. The initial event that attracted me to her was she was selling me a tanning package and she started talking about her interests that were very similar to mine. So I started making sure I would frequent the salon when she was working to see if this was just a one time sales pitch, or if she really might have an interest. The next time I went in there I noticed there was a dozen roses on the counter and I instantly thought she must be taken or every guy is after her and what chance do I have. The next time I saw her she was working with another girl, We got into a conversation I a casually brought up the roses, instantly her and her friend shut down and looked at each other like they did not know what to say. So I calmly said “well” and she said there from “Moses” and I ask, who is that? And she kept looking at her friend and said my next boyfriend potentially. What is that suppose to mean??


    The next day I was walking by the salon going to Safeway and she noticed me though the window and waved me in. We instantly got in to a conversation and I was totally comfortable. We talked about her family, my job, interests, I pretty much felt like we had our first date right there at the counter. I stood there for an hour and ten minuets and never even went tanning. I noticed when she talked to me that she looked at me most of the time and looked directly into my eyes. She was mostly sitting behind the counter with her upper body leaning in my direction. At one point she even pulled out a grapefruit and started eating it. So I went and continued my shopping, On my way out I stopped by Starbucks and purchased a coffee card, as I walked by the tanning place I popped in and gave it to her and said Thank you for hooking me up with my last tanning package. I went to my vehicle and noticed she had a big smile on her face and she instantly got on the phone… Later that evening I decided I was going to ask her out once and for all. So I wet back but she was busy. There was a lady in front of me but she noticed me right away and got this big smile and waved. When it was my turn at the counter we instantly got into that dating style conversation again about our days and how there went and she thanked me for the coffee card and said I did not have to do that.

    I was still frozen though I could not ask he rout for some reason. I went tanning and when I got out she was so busy I cold not wait around and I left with out asking her.


    So here are my questions


    Was the coffee card a hit? Was that telling her that I was interested?


    What was that whole potential boyfriend thing and why was she so reluctant to tell me about him or talk about it?


    If she was not interested would she be so forward and friendly?


    Am I blowing my chances by being so worried?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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