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Fairy Queen

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Posts posted by Fairy Queen

  1. Hey slightlyscared!


    This is identical to what happened me with my boyfriend. He's older than me and not a virgin, I was and so he was acting the same as your boyfriend cos he didn't want to push me into doing anything i wasn't ready for. In the end I had to make the first moves to show him that I was ready.

  2. Fairy Queen,

    "When we eventually had sex I basically initiated it". Most older men who date younger women under 21(especially virgin) will play that trick on younger women so be careful ladies. Some older man knows how to play a younger woman for sex,money and other things so keep that in mind.He doesn't have to pressure you for sex just to get what he wants(sex or other things)


    Ok, well maybe some guys do that, but my boyfriend definitely isn't like that. i know him

  3. No offense and I really am not trying to offend you or anyone else but older guys go for younger girls because they think we're an "easier lay" and dumber than someone their age. I used to get into the situations just like you described and I realized the only way to avoid those guys was to not put myself into those situations, ya know?



    Not all older guys who go for younger girls are like that! I'm 18 and my boyfriend's nearly 22. I'm the first younger girl he's dated and he is such a gentleman! When we first started going out he was aware that i was a virgin and really took things slowly cos he didn't want me to take things too fast. When we eventually had sex I basically initiated it and he kept asking me if I was ok and I was sure. Just made me love him all the more that he wasn't pressuring me into anything

  4. Ok, mine was on Saturday so I can remember it clearly! It was about a 7 or 7 and a half. I wasn't expecting much cos I heard your first time's supposed to be rubbish, but it was amazing. I really love him and it helped that he knew what he was doing. Can't wait for round 2!

  5. Ok, my situation is really like yours cos she's started emailing me recently too! It's really weird cos they're really awkward emails like "hi, how are you?" and you'd never guess we were inseperable and best friends for so long! I've replied, but just saying "I'm fine thanks, how are you?" and stuff. I'm not going to stoop to her level and just start ignoring her cos I know how much that hurt me. But I do know that things will never be the same with us and I wouldn't even want them to be cos I really don't want a friend who'd be able to be so nasty completely out of the blue

  6. Hi, I'm really sorry to hear this cos a similar thing happened to me with my best friend of 7 years, and she just suddenly started ignoring me and being really nasty. It hurt so much when it happened first and i tried to sort it out by ringing her to discuss it and rebuilding our friendship.

    a few months on, I realise that I don't want to be friends with someone who would treat me so badly for no reason, especially when I would have done anything for her.

    The thing that really helped me is that my other friends, who i wouldn't have been as close to, saw what was going on and really supported me and made me feel better and I feel like I've created stronger friendships through losing my best friend.

  7. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend 2 days ago (he wasn't a virgin) and I guess cos it was my first time it was all about me. He made me feel really good- he was kissing me all over and i'm really really inexperienced at this sort of thing so I didn't really know what I should do. Thing is, next time I want to make him feel as good as he made me feel, but i'm not really sure what guys like. Like do they like to be touched the same way as girls? He was licking my nipples and stuff but i really don't know if guys like the same sort of thing or what I should do!

  8. Ok, so I have a good bit of experience of kissing, but recently I've been wondering where you should put your hands when you're kissing a guy. Like, I like if he gently strokes my face, has his arms around my waist or strokes my arms. but where do guys like you to touch when you're kissing them?

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