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Posts posted by Malady

  1. A quote from an anonymous person has drastically changed my point of view:

    "I have come to realize that we live in order to change someone else's life."


    With this, I have halted my search for meaning. I believe I am here for that very reason, to change someone else's life. Could my whole life's purpose be that I drove a drunken friend home and thus saved their life? Or maybe that smile I passed along to the clerk at the department store gave a spark of hope and as a result they didn't follow through with a possible suicide attempt? All very far-fetched, I know. But, I am illustrating a point that I find my meaning is in every single detail of this life, frivolous or not.


    Not really far fetched. I beileve the tiniest of kindest can really uplift a persons outlook. I know I've felt that way a few times when someone's treated me with respect.

  2. I can feel your pain.....(literally). You sound like me. I get that way every now and then but look on the bright side. I believe we're all here for a geniuine purpose seriously. If a train, car, fire, explosion, or murderer haven't killed you , you're being saved for a reason. You just have to have faith. Maybe your life awaits you someplace else. Try going on trip or start off small and take up a hobby. Just don't go killing yourself yet. Think of the endless possiblities, dream of a better life and take baby steps to making it happen. Sure you maybe stuck in routine where life is going nowhere, it's up to you to try something new. Even the smallest thing can make a difference. If after this you still feel like dying make sure your funeral is beautiful and your death not has bloody (jk).


    Take Care.........

  3. Brawnee


    I suspected he was the stalking type after I read an article about such behavior. Maybe I can get my cousin or uncle to have him leave me alone. There's also this guy who lives accross the hall. He's a bit of a giant but I think he could scare him





    It's funny, one day he asked me if I had any family living in my apartment complex and he freaked when I said my uncle.




    I've told my mom but her only sound advice is to answer my phone when he calls. I told her repeatedly he doesn't listen to me. I also know someone else from work who knows him and boy did he get pissed one day when I talked about him. He acted as if he didn't know her. Yes, he had a criminal record but I don't know for what. My friend from work told me he had to go to bible school because he was really bad.





    I could tell his boss that he's harassing if he shows up at work looking for me again.




    Okay so I am little at fault. Sometimes you just want a playmate but he's a control freak!

  4. I met a guy a month ago at work. He asked me for my phone number and I gave it to him. My coworkers thought I did a bad thing but I didn't think anything wrong of it. The first time he called me he had said he wanted to go out (movies, dinner, etc.). Of course I was excited, I haven't had a date in years lol. A few days later he called me and asked me to meet him at a park at 8pm. The whole idea was suspicious and I wanted to see him at least in the daylight around people. He goes and says "I don't want to be seen" okay.... Little naive me couldn't see pass his strange behavior and I made a date to see him after work (daylight), he agreed.


    First of all he doesn't drive, he rides his bicycle (he's 25 although he denies it). Second he wanted to walk me home, see the problem. Then again I agreed. We took a short cut home and here was the problem. He pulled me into the bushes and expected me to strip and have sex with me. I told him no but he kept pushing it. Then he asked me if I could blow him. Stupid me actuallly did for a little bit ](*,). After the whole ordeal he asked me to do it again but I denied, jerk.


    After that day he began harassing me 3 to 4 times a day on the phone. I decided not to answer three days later. It didn't solve anything because he showed up at work looking for me. I'm not even in a valid relationship with him! Everyday he would call me and demand to see me. Half of this is my fault too because I would lead him on thinking something good could actually stem from this.


    Anyways, one day I gave in and invited him over. I told him I wasn't feeling well because it was that time of the month. Over the phone he told me he didn't want to come over for sex, he just wants to hang out with me and watch a movie. He lied.... When he came over, he still wanted something from me. He even asked me for anal I drew the line at this point but before he left he said "Don't invite any other guys over". The nerve!


    He still calls me everyday but I don't answer my phone. I just want him to leave me alone. He's insulted, forced, and harassed me. Even when I decide to answer the phone and tell him to go away, he doesn't understand. He still forces himself on me and blames my mom for telling me things. Any suggestions?

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