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Posts posted by lbgeef

  1. i like to be man handled myself!! to be thrown against a wall and just kissed sends a throb or being sneaky around others who don't know about the "secret relationship" you two have and so he sneaks up behind me and brushen against me and whispers in my ear!! i love being told what to do and directed durring sex!! When a guy acts like he has control over touching me and teases me a little bit is a HUGE turn on and is enough to drive me crazy!! BUT its important to not be an a**hole! then again every girl or human is defferent in what turns them on!! just be yourself and a girl will be attracted if your what attracts her!! ask her what she likes!! (you'll be surprised how open females are) were worse than men and enjoy talking about our dirty secrets!!!

  2. I think your perfectly fine!!! I would think that younger girls though would be the ones that really don't know what they want and it would be easy to get hurt!! your not too old at all!! in the eyes of the law your too old for a 16 or 17 year old but honestly girls mature a great deal at that age!! I know since im an 18 year old female and i've NEVER dated someone my age for their immaturity! So far as your mom calling you a petaphile thats not cool and your not!!!!!!!! i think it would be a little sick if the girl was 13 or younger but i really believe that alot of the time age isn't nothing but a number and it's really about the mental status!! just be careful law wise!!

  3. THANKS BLUEANGEL!! i know im not immature cause im exactly the opposite! As far as playing one guy against another is just obserd if i was doing that then guilt wouldn't even creep into my thinking! as far as the 28 year old go's im not looking for a relationship with him im just always wanting to be around him!! He provides a certain security for me and the 24 year old never understood what it was and assumed i was sleeping with my friend which caused alot of resentments for me!! he's a real jealous type and i know i'm not the one to be controlled like that!! u know like "who's that?" who's this" and just no space at all!!!!

  4. so ive went out with older men my whole life!! since the age of twelve! the only difference is i was on drugs and living that fast life style! now that i have 2 yrs clean i met a guy who is 24 and im 18!! closest age gap ive ever had but for the first time in my life i notice how smothered i feel and it's more of a burden than a luxury!!! i try and control it but then i just get resentful! when im with him im thinking about someone else alot!! (a friend) who's 28 but im like addicted to being around him!


    this obviously made him jealous! my friendship with this guy who is like my everything (not on a relationship tip)! it irritated me so bad that i broke up with this guy! we tried to still be friends with benefits but im just not into him like that at all i've come to find out! he told me he loved me and he's getting really hurt over me not wanting to be with him!! i have soo much guilt and noticed i always do this in a relationship](*,) why is this!! is it possible to be friends?? is it because im 18 and just not ready for a commitment yet??

  5. i feel that way for a friend right now!! it's a little different but i agree with the saying that you'll explode! i try and forget about those feelings i have (mostly sexual) but they jusy linger and wont stop! anyways back to you! go for it and ask her out! if she says no then remain friends!!!!

  6. mention goin out somewhere while you guys are joken and talken at your work! mention goin to a club or something fun!!! When your at work interacting are you outgoing! most people are attracted to hangen out with people who are extremely outgoing and fun looken!! if this doesnt work then goto a gay club by yourself and im sure you'll meet some people to just talk to! im not gay and im a female but when i go to them i always end up meetin people so try it!! im 18 so i know how important a social life is!! DON'T BE SCARED TO PICK UP THE PHON!!! advice on that is call with a purpose!! have something in mind to talk about! invite them somewhere! if your rejected then their loss and they probably wouldnt be fun to kick it with anyways!!



  7. thank you to everyone has responded so far!! yeah i need to get counsling cause it's not fair to me to be so cought up in my head it slows me down from living life but i feel so powerless over it! Will the sexual feelings for him ever go away??? is it just normal for me to have those thoughts of him? i mean i honestly couldn't see myself in a relationship with him and im not jealous of him haven girlfriends! he sleeps around alot and that doesn't bother me in any way!!! i fear us taken it that far though and it affecting our friendship and that innocent role i play to him as that little girl in his life but im getting older and i can tell it's getten harder for him to control himself! will these feelings fade???

  8. I the friend your speaking about!! i have a friend that is a guy! hes older than me! he's 28 and im 18 but we have a HUGE history together! through the life of drugs and sex we never did! I think i've had it on my mind more than him alot of time. Were both clean now and still really close!! but it is hard for me because i have curiosity!! when im in a relationship with someone and they get jealous of "my cuzo" it chases me away from that relationship! i dont know if thats unhealthy on my part but advice for u is dont try and control their friendship or show jealousy because you'll quickly become the enemy who doesnt trust or understand!! make him feel comfterble about talking to you about her without you getten jealous!!

    hope this helped

  9. I'm desperate for advice. I'm and eighteen year old female with "dependency issues". So in the past I was addicted to drugs (mostly crystal meth)! i always had an obsessive personality in the past but it got worst when i was on drugs and became over attached to two older guys who took care of me. After i got clean i cut one off because i had sex with him and doubts of his true intentions creeped into my head. This was all at age 14 and 15 by the way!! The other guy NEVER took it there with me but would often tease me alot. Like oh tonight lets hook up. He would do this often and i began finding myself sexually attracted to him but at the same time loving him like family. I'd die for him. He stopped smoking dope with me and encouraged me to turn myself into juvenile hall. i went after he got arrested. i didnt talk to him or hear from him for 2 yrs and just recently got ahold of him! i've got 2 yrs clean and he's got 18 months. we both got our own lives and are doing extremely well but i feel those obsessions coming back. They had faded when he was gone. I can't tell you how much love i have for him! i look up to him but at the same time that sexual curiosity is there. It's frustrating to not be able to STOP thinkiong about him all the time! wanting to call, text message and just anxiously waiting for the next weekend we kick it!! he's never told me i was too clingy or acted like i was but i feel like i am! I don't know how to make the obsessions go away! I just want to be around him ALLLLL the time like i was when we were on drugs! I'm not very independent and always wanna feel taken care of. i spent the weekend at this houe last weekend and we cuddled all night! I felt myself HOPING he would make a move an I knew he was fighten with himself because he's a * * * * * but he didn't! He told me the next morning how proud of himself he was and how he just has a lot of respect for me! I have sooo many different kinds of feelings for him. (friend, parent, protector and sexual)! Here are my questions!!


    Am i being obsessive?

    Is this normal?

    What is going on with me and how do i control it?

    Should i get therapy?



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