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Posts posted by candice67

  1. Thanks everyone for ur support, i am now dating someone really nice, we are taking things slow & easy.. he loves kids, & has responsibility 4 his own, he is a role model 4 my eldest son..

    just when you think things wont happen they really do.. I'm really thinking & keeping positive.. Lets see how things go..

    I dont really think about my yougest childs father as much, i actually see him in a different light, 4 who & what he really is.. he didnt really respect me enough, & i really truly see that now..

    Thanks to everyone for ur positive advice..

  2. My bf's ex tries to be very intimidating when i see them both together,or when she is with her friends. But on the few occasions when i have seen her on her own, she looks the other way, & tries to pretend she hasnt seen me, or on the occasions when she feels or knows that i have had contact with my ex bf, she will stand & stare at me. I dont feel threatened at all by her.

    She is sleeping with my sloppy seconds. LOL.

  3. i found out that his girlfriend has been 2 timing him for a while now, so i've known for a while & decided to take it upon myself to tell him..

    He was livid... at me... so angry...

    Then he turned around & told me to mind my own business as it has nothing to do with me what his girlfriend does..

    I dont think he knew, but he then said to me that he knew all about it, what i knew & more & that he is * * * *ing around also.. so so what...

    I just said that i didnt realise he knew all about it & that i will leave them to it & he is right, that it hasnt got nothing to do with me.. i have left the situation at that..

  4. hey there, i am sorry to hear that you are facing so much on you're own, it may seem so easy for me to try & give out advice but i will try my best..

    Please stop thinking so negatively, i have met you who needs to hear that someone is hear to listen to anything you wanna say.. i will do my best, but i will listen & i try & understand where you are coming from.

    Firstly you are not on you're own, you are in the right place. You say you are being bullied.. people only push their own fears on to you because they are affraid to face up to their own fears, & you are taking on their baggage. & you are playing into their hands..They see they are making you unhappy so they continue to make u feel worse..

    Yes the things they say will hurt your feelings but you have to try & ignore their comments.. No matter how bad it gets..

    ''Sticks & stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me''

    I dont know if you have ever heard that old saying??

    I think you have so much potential that you have so much to show others..

    By trying to overcome your fear of these people i think you could be an inspiration to others who could be in the same situation as you but are actually affraid to ask for help..

    At least you have the guts to ask for help.

    I think you need to smile, look in the mirror & smile.

    And take that smile with you where ever you go, even when you feel the lowest of the low please just try, i know its a hard thing to do when you feel the way you do.

    You are concentrating on these people who are making you so unhappy so you're whole focus is on them. When you should be focusing on you're real talents that you have.

    You can do it because i believe in you.. I believe you have the power to be stronger than you think.Remember how you used to be, well that is you ,

    & you can be you again & again.

    Walk & Hold you're head up high, Stay silent, thats the best weapon you can use.. it actually hurts them the most.. SILENCE.. then walk with the pride God gave you..

    These bullies will keep trying to dampen you're spirit but you still walk proud..

    Even when you feel as if you are gonna breakdown, & when you walk past them & you are alone again you will actually have won that battle...not just against them, but also with yourself..

    You can do it.. i have faith in you..

    Please give it a go & let me know how you get on..

    By the way i didnt see any spelling mistakes, & if there were any.. who cares..

    Stop blaming yourself for immperfections... Believe me, nobody & i said nobody is perfect.. I'm sure as you walk down the street & as you look at the people who pass by you, you can see people dont look perfect.. This is not a perfect world..


  5. You are so right i thought that too... he wont let me move on... His mom stays in contact with us also.. She tried to talk to him & he told her to basically stay out of his business..

    Yet when his mother was sick with cancer i was the one running her up & down from the hospital.. yes he appreciated it.. I told him i wasnt doing it for him or for his gratification..

    He got selfish & scarcastic with me again, so i just try to keep my distance from his family..

    his mom thinks she has done something to offend me..

    i did put it down to him maybe not being able to have that control factor with me as i am very independent, i work part-time, i am also at college part time, i started a new business venture 1 yr ago, & i am still trying to make that successful & i am bringing up 3 kids, so i am really quite resourceful..

    I thought that could be a little threatening to him, maybe he sees that i dont really need him..

    But he cant see i really only want him to show his feelings/love if thats what he feels..

    if he doesnt love me, please leave me alone!!!

    if you love youre son show it..

    I dont think that I'm not asking for much.I really want him to be part of the family, but i think thats what he is afraid of... maybe he thinks i have too much expectation of him????

    i really dont know as he refuses to answer my questions, so i jus leave him alone... He is just so stubborn..

    i do think he has a problem showing his feelings, but there isnt much i can do..

  6. Thanks for that.. but i really have deep feelings for him... I know he is inconsiderate & selfish & i am so trying to get him out of my system..

    I'm trying to be civil..

    I've tried to cut the ties.. then he is ok for a while.. then its like he's a spoilt child.. So i give in & resume civil contact.. Yes my own fault..

    I am gonna try to keep strong... it is just so hard when you love that person.

  7. My ex & i were in an on & off relationship for 5 yrs, i called a halt on things when i found out there was someone else in the picture 1 yr ago.. yes i am in love with him still, he is also the father of my youngest child who is 4yrs now.. We have been corresponding for a while on & off, with no intimacy (my choice) for 1 yr, which he isnt to happy about, but thats how it is.. abouth 3 months ago he stated that he didnt want me to see other people, he knows that i love him & he does play games, but i try to ignore the games.

    I'm just trying to keep things as real as possible, but its getting really hard. I asked him to make a decision as to what he wants, & to stop playing games, he says he needs time to think, its been a week now & i am doing really well, as we used to tex each other practically everyday, sometimes corresponding all day even while he was at work as a telephone adviser..But the biggest problem is, is that he wont confront issues with me regarding our son, or me, he refuses to come & sit & talk with me about anything, but if i said he could come around for sex he is there in a flash.. I havnt allowed him any intimacy with me for 1 year now, & all i got up to last week were texts begging me to let him come around..then i asked him to be straight up with me & tell me what he really wants from me, I havnt heard from him, he just told me he needs time to think..](*,)

    He is very intimidating to other blokes he sees me talking to, & becomes quite abrupt & scarcastic when we do see each other. But he never comes around our child or has ever asked to take him out.. He says he didnt want anymore children & that i brought this on myself, he only wanted a relationship with me.

    I was seeing someone for 4 months but he made this guys life hell, he was very intimidating, & he actually made the guy think that there was still something going on between us even though i stopped all contact with him throughout the whole 4 month relationship.the guy didnt believe, even though we were together 6 out of 7 days & nites of the week. Yes it ended, i couldnt take the arguments, the guy had no trust in me, & i just realised that he was too insecure.

    Dont get me wrong my sons dad has bought our son things & provided for his upkeep, but has stopped from last week, but if we have an argument around our sons birthday or xmas, our son doesnt receive nothing.

    I know that he isnt emotionally available, & i am trying to move forwards. But its like he doesnt want me to.. Ive tried to cut all ties, but he makes my life miserable.

    Why is it all about me???? why is he spiteing me????

    I have had enough of this now..

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