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Posts posted by Net

  1. Yes a woman can have vaginal secretions from sexual excitement. I am a guy, but I am speaking from a lot of experience. It will only be visible on the panties once it dries up (until then it'll just be wet), and it should be off white.

  2. Hey,

    I want you to know that I am talking from experience here. I'm assuming you're a teenager, as am I. If she's asking you stuff like that, and trying to get closer to you, then she has some kind of feelings for you. You should just be straight up with her, and ask if she has feelings for you, but under no condition do you tell her that you have feelings for her before she answers your question. That way you don't make a total idiot of yourself. It's a lot like the game "Well, I asked you first..." Trust me on this one. Ask her before she asks you. And as far as her boyfriend goes, she may be going out with him just to make you jealous. Or she might really like him. The decision to wait for them to break up, or ask her now is up to you. I hope it works out for you like it did for me.



  3. I have a girlfriend who I've been dating for close to a year now. I feel I should explain that my girlfriend and I were best friends for two years before we began dating. Towards the beginning of our relationship, she went on a trip to visit her family. Well, in the place she was visiting, she had a long distance boyfriend who she never broke off with. I was very well aware of this, and I thought she planned to tell him about her and me. Instead she decided to pretend to be his girlfriend while she was there. Around her third day there she ended up cheating on me. She never slept with him, but she did make out with him. I don't know if this makes me a controlling boyfriend, or what, but in my book that's cheating. I found out about this and was devastated, because we were so in love and then she betrays my trust like this. Once he found out about me they argued and stopped talking. Of course, I was fine with this. Recently, though, they made up and are friends. Now everytime she goes to visit family she hangs out with him, and I am paranoid that she will cheat on me again. I don't know what to do. Someone please help me!!!



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