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Posts posted by Marc

  1. You're writing this because it is a way to show your feelings, everyone needs to put them somewhere, yes you can put them to the back of your mind but then they'll explode out.


    You sound just like me, and how I used to be.


    For no reason I was absolutely feeling depressed and thought about ending it all regulary but yet, I had no serious problems.


    I even scored my arm and several times I held a knife over my wrist.


    It's just a mood I guess, probally hormones, I'm 18 - just a year older than you and now I'm fine.


    Just a phase - Don't end it - there's alot more good out there and alot of the time I think to my self "heck, if I had of ended it back then I wouldn't be feeling this"


    Think of all the good things that will come in the future, trust me on this - you don't want to end it.


    Yes some bad things will happen, but you need the bad to balance the good, if there was no bad you could never feel the goodness.


    There's alot more good to come my friend.

  2. Well mate, I'm new to this forum and after seeing a wonderful type of people I decided to register.


    Anyways, whats wrong here is not your looks or personality, it's your state of mind - You see, what has happened you in your past with the ladies is bringing you down, and everyday is making you feel worse.


    My advice to you is find a way of meeting people be it a bar, speed dating or whatever, let your personallity shine (I know you done this before, but no matter how great you are there will always be rejection) Just learn the hard way through trial and error.


    A few tips;

    Learn the ice breakers on approaching

    Ask the person their name

    Tell them yours and ask some simple questions


    Learn what works well, you can tell this by their facial expressions, see what went wrong and try again on someone else.


    One thing though, try not to ask "What do you do?" putting people in a state of mind of thinking about work can lower their mood.


    Rejection is a part of this, but hey.. if they don't know you and you may not see them again, who cares.


    Everyone is beautiful inside.



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