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Posts posted by me1

  1. As long as he's not bad for you then do what makes you happy anaylize the pros and the cons. You can not live your life by what everyone else thinks about you or it wouldn't be your life. What do you really want is the question then maybe go from there.

  2. Depression can be a very hard thing to deal with as well as being insecure can definitely make it worse. If the relationship is making you happy but depressed then it's time to think of what can you do to have that happy medium! I myself suffer from depression am now doing most of the time! I finally went to my doctor and was put on celexa, which is a depression medication with low side affects; it works well for me. Along with that I started going to see a counselor just someone to talk t about how I feel and my self-esteem issues. Someone with an unbiased point of view of me and what goes on in my life not someone who knows me and says you look fine, your beautiful, you don't need to loose 10 lbs. like your friends and family do. I can not stress enough how much better it has made me feel and how more positive I am about my self and what goes on around me. I suffered the same way through my teens and on.


    Just an idea and what has helped me my insurance pays for most of everything but it something you can keep in mind. If your afraid of what other might think if they know your on medicine or that you see a shrink they will never know if you don't tell them, they will look at you and hopefully see a happier positive confident you!


    Good luck!

  3. Long story but here we go….My ex of and I of 5 years broke up about 10 months ago. Things had been going bad for almost a year he didn't want to be with me any longer but wouldn't leave me so I did what I never wanted to do or anyone ever thought I would do I left! One of the hardest things I've ever had to do I went through a complete depression a couple of months before hand and after I left. I thought my life was over! We stayed in contact which made it hard but I continued on without him.


    About 5 months later I moved in with a guy friend one thing led to another and before I new it I was in a relationship, I never mentioned this to my ex in hopes that still one day we would work things out. The relationship with my friend for the most part is good but my heart is just not there and his is. He has some issues that I don't like which makes me not want to be with him at times. He drinks a little too much, and has an anger problem and when things get to deep he might punch a wall or through something but has never put his hands on me (you never know someone until you live with them). My birth mother had passed away so I've been down a little more than usual and just have not wanted to be bothered! Mind you I still speak and sometimes see my ex but not on a sexual level.


    So about couple of weeks ago the guy that I'm with has one of his tantrums and with everything I had going on I just couldn't deal with it so I left and went to a friends for the night. Ever since then my feelings have really change for him. To make things worse my ex calls and wants to talk so we have a conversation and he wants to try to get back together and work things out! Exactly what I have been waiting for, right! I've given it some thought and we have talked about it and it's what I want to do! So I have already been distant with the guy that I am with so thinking you know this shouldn't be too hard to leave. So I have a talk with him he gets upset and leaves for the night, the next day I call him to make sure he is ok which he was. I come home from work and find that his car is not in the driveway, ok maybe he need some more time to think or be by himself. I find him in the house drunk as could be with fighting to get his clothes on I helped him get dressed and asked him where his car was he told me he wrecked it and it was my fault so he left there and walked home. I asked him if he was ok and if he had hit anyone which he didn't thank God. I then told him no you wrecked your car from being immature and driving drunk we didn't speak really the rest of the night so this morning I had to take him to work he apologized for being a jerk and acted like ok things are good between us.


    I want to leave but I don't want to hurt him, he becomes depressed so easily and has been through so much the past year and I know that if I leave he will not be ok! So my question is what do I do? How do I handle this situation? I don't want to hurt him and I haven't told either one about each other and what is going on because I am scared to.

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