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Posts posted by ycmanvs

  1. It has been officially over a week since he left and I have had no problems with NC. I went out with a friend last night to keep myself busy, but she had just broken things off with her boyfriend, so it I was only feeling worse after our visit. I am feeling like I need some solitude and not in an unhealthy way. I think I am trying to keep myself busy and active because thats what everyone says you should do, but I just feel like I want to be alone and think about how to take care of myself, instead of just avoiding the situation by surrounding myself with people who are trying to convince me that I will be OK. I know I will be ok, so I just want to be alone and do the work....any thoughts?


    Of course it is ok to be alone. If you feel that it is best for you to work on yourself alone right now, then just do that....Most people tend to get very depressed after a break-up so that is why some people need to be around friends at all times. You are actually very lucky that you can be alone.

  2. thanks for the kind words....

    its extremely hard... 3 years just ended in a flash..

    I'm still shocked I actually left with just 2 boxes of clothes....someday i'll have to go get all my stuff but i'm not ready to go back just yet.

    i need more time to heal!


    Actually, you can just get more stuff. I left a ton of things at my ex's and I do not care if I see the stuff again.

    Pretend like they were burned in a fire or stolen....Just stay away and stay strong.

  3. But it is not day 1, it is day 13, and before the email, it was day 12, so rather than counting days, I focus on me. Going to the gym, going to work, looking for better work, talking to friends, focusing on me.

    My No Contact means that I do not contact him. If he contacts me, I do not count that as contact because I have no control over his actions but I do have control over mine, just like you have control over yours.

    Are you really in Boston? It is snowing by the way....

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