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Posts posted by lilys.eyes

  1. My ex and I have broken up three times...once by me after about three days, and then him after three months, and then he broke up with me again after 10 months (this was a few days ago).

    Each time he broke up with me it was because he got scared of something. The first time it was my lack of experience, the second time it was because he freaked out because he was feeling bored in our relationship and was finding himself immensely attracted to my roommate. I was really upset, and he felt really guilty.

    We talked yesterday, and decided that the best thing was to take a break (or at least, I call it "taking a break", he calls it "backing off and being more casual"). We're not going to see other people. Today I saw him again and he kept kissing me (i'll admit, I wasn't pulling away) and saying how he regretted breaking up and he wanted me back.


    I don't know what to do. All my friends and family are saying forget about him, but I still love him. I do feel really cautious, which is why I want to take a break from each other so I can maybe sort out my feelings...but at the same time, I feel so comfortable with him. I like being with him.


    I don't know what to do. I'm 21 and he was my first serious boyfriend...I'm so confused. Should I listen to my friends and family? He's a really good guy, I love talking with him and being with him...we just fit. I dont' know. I'm rambling. Clearly I don't know what to do. ARGH!

  2. ouchie! When I had my wisdom teeth out, i had to be knocked out cold because three of them were impacted. One of the stitchings came loose later that day, and i had to go back to get a 'dressing' put in made with oil of chives and other such gross things. It stopped the bleeding and it allowed it to heal, but it did keep the pain on for a bit. Here's what I did well and did stupidly:

    I was really hungry, so I had a booster juice ( a smoothy ) this was smart. I drank it with a straw. This was dumb.

    Since I couldn't eat solid food but I wanted nutrients, I ate baby food desserts. It's essentially applesauces, but in different varities. This was smart.

    Yelled at my best friend because she wouldn't let me eat toast. This was dumb.

    Slept alot, and took whatever medication I was allowed to take. This was smart.

    Didn't talk, laugh, or sing to much. Even small jaw movements can hurt !


    Anyways - that's my advice. But like it was said, if you're really worried, call the nurses.

    Hope we helped!

  3. Hey -

    I'm new to the forum and I really need some support.

    My boyfriend (my first love, and who I lost my virginity to) and I broke up tonight. We were in a wonderful 9 month relationship, however the past two months have been a bit rocky. I am really upset and I'm shaking and crying and angry.We broke up face to face, and at first it was mutual, but then he left and called, wanting to talk.I feel so stupid...I cried when we broke up, and I REALLY didn't want to. We just stood there gazing at each other, asking if it's what really should be happening. I asked him to go, cried a bit more, talked to my roommate and then went online. So we were talking online and I asked him to be completely honest about everything. He said that he still loves me, he just doesn't want to be with me because he's really confused. After alot of talking about him saying he wants to be with me but he doesn't know if it's right, he needs so many things right now (which is true...I can't give him those things so I said I'd be fine with a 'break' if that's what he needed).

    SO after talking for a bit, he decides to be completely honest with me and tells me he has the hots for my roommate (which I suspected...although nothign would ever happen because she's my best friend and she's interested in other people, as well as the fact she doesn't like him). I got a little offended because she is quite a bit sexier then I am, and he just said he's been backing off because those thoughts really freaked him out and he wanted to avoid any situation that may hinder our relationship.

    I'm not gonna lie, I am upset and a little angry. I'm shaking, and I'm cold, but at the same time I keep thinking I brought this on myself because I brought up the idea of a break up .... seeing as how it seemed healthiest.

    One of my friends is saying I should be mad at him - how he had the hots for my roommate. But he didn't do anything, and in my mind the fact that he separated himself makes it seem like he wanted to make sure he doesn't hurt me. I could just tell when he started distancing himself from me, and things started falling apart a couple days after that.

    As of right now, he says he loves me and he wants to be with me, he just doesn't know what to do.

    Nor do I.

    I'm in school 6 days a week for 11 hour days, so I'm really busy, but he's joining the program in another two months (we're both in theatre).

    Please help!

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