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Posts posted by pinklace

  1. Justthinking, if it helps, I'm in the same boat, unfortunately. My story differs a lot from yours however, in that I'm still emotionally connected to an ex from years ago. We were in touch some time ago and as 'friends'. And since he re entered my life, I think about him all of the time and as more than a friend. He feels same way about me too, but alas, he's married also.


    We did the right thing to do and broke off contact, but months later I find myself pining for him and missing him terribly. I often think about getting in touch with him, but then I come to my senses and I don't go through with it.


    As you say, it's ok for people to say 'get a life', but like you, I have one. I have a good well paid job, go out and socilaise with friends a lot, but still I can't forget him and think of him constantly.


    What a mess


    I know how you feel anyway, you aren't alone.

  2. She's trying to make you jealous IMO and going a trashy way about it.


    The last thing that we want to hear from a bf or gf, are the gory details of their past conquests, sexual or not!!


    It's soooo off putting.


    Despite her experience with men, she seems to know very little about men and what they look for and want, in a woman.

  3. Five years is a long time, to be still carrying around feelings for someone. You must have thought a great deal of this woman and care for her deeply.


    It's ok for people to say, 'move on', 'forget him/her', 'you will find someone else', but sometimes it isn't that easy to just simply forget someone, move on and date other people.


    I don't think that WorkMan will be able to fully move on, until he contacts his ex and lets her know how he feels. If he doesn't contact her, he will be left with the 'if onlys' and the 'what ifs', he will never know for sure if there could have been a second chance with his ex and he could come to regret his decision not to contact her.


    At least if he contacts her, he is going to know one way or another, where he stands with her. Isn't that better than never knowing?

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