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Posts posted by inmytreehouse

  1. I had to retort once to some sleaze at a bar. Normally I wouldn't be so rude but this guy was very very drunk and was all over me, and he was like "What's a fine thing like you doing in a s**thole like this?" I just turned to him and said "Same thing as you. Picking up chicks."

    I'd heard it somewhere before, but it worked. He practically left skidmarks!


    I've had some guy ask me "Do you have Italian in you?" Me: "No"

    Him: "Would you like some?"

  2. i use the two words differently.

    to me, beautiful is to do with appearance, while cute can mean something to do with personality or mannerisms. like i think my bf's laugh is cute, and the way he goes ga-ga over his sister's little furball kitten. beautiful would be something more physical to me, i think.

  3. 1) a gentleman

    2) cultured (liking music, art or something)

    3) someone I can kick back and relax with

    4) someone i can have fun with

    5) mature - i don't want to have to babysit him when we go out

    6) physicaly reasonable looking. doesn't have to be gorgeous, just someone who takes a bit of pride in his appearance and hygiene.

    7) someone with a spine but a soft-side too

    and someone who will NOT compare me with his mother

  4. Quite often, people who feel the need to publicly trash an ex-partner's body has low self-esteem and ridicules their ex because it makes them feel better about themselves. Am I right, benevolent? Publicly making fun of your ex's breasts is probably your way of comforting yourself over your own shortcomings. How would you fell if she did the same thing to you? It'd be a real kick in the teeth, wouldn't it? How old are you?? For your sake, I hope you are still a teenager, because if you are a grown man/woman and have such a bad attitude, you may never grow out of it and will never be in a happy long-term relationship because you are so disrespectful toward people's bodies.



    People are born with the bodies they have, nobody gets a say in it. Most people have a body part they are a little embarrassed about. If you feel you absolutely have to discuss something about your partner/ex-partner that grosses you out, talk about their behaviour, lack of manners or hygiene. Those are things a person has some control over and makes decisions about. No one has control over the body they are born with.

  5. Yes im with depresssedone89, if they want to have sex with each other who cares its there choice, they are adults, let them do what they want, its not like you can stop them anyway



    I'm with you guys, what people do in their personal lives in their own time, is nobody else's business. As long as they don't have children, I see no problem with it. I'm in Australia, and I don't think it's illegal here, as long as both parties are consenting adults. I could be wrong though. But they're not hurting anyone, are they? Lots of people have sex with family members. Look at the British royal family, they're all inbred and nobody gives a damn about that...(no offense to any British people reading this, I have nothing against the royals)

  6. She wasn't necessarily an old lady. When I read the poem, I assumed she was still quite young, I don't know why. And I guess families tend to pull out the emotional kindo f stuff, like personal diary entries. It never said who the entry was about, so maybe they assumed it was about her husband. Should the story be real.

  7. I have to agree with jurupa. I was in the same situation with guys - couldn't find any single ones I liked, and the ones I did like were all taken!! I've since discovered that I was being way too fussy, and to lower my standards. Well no, not lower my standards, more like learning to not expect Mr Perfect. Coz he don't exist. Neither does Miss Perfect. Any nice, decent single guy (or girl in your case) should be given a chance, coz you never know. When you get to know them you might discover you want to spend more and more time with them, and are able to overlook their negatives, because everyone has them.

  8. Mentioning her shyness will just make her more self-conscious. I was like that for years. Try doing something really casual and fun together. I find going to dinner or something like that so awkward because you're forced to sit there and look at each other and talk. Activities like mini golf or bowling or pool or something seemed to help with my bf and me. We got to have fun together and its less intimidating for the shy one because its not as confrontational. We didnt have to thinik of anything to talk about it just came out naturally, he was like 'try taking the shot this way' and I'd be like 'I'm not sure this is right.....' and the talk just flows. I don't know. Might not be your idea of fun, but it worked for me.

  9. omg I didnt expect so many different opinions. Thanks guys for your input, I've got some experimenting to do now....never tried shaving, might have to give it a go. And as for shaving into a heart-shape - - really?!

  10. Just out of curiosity - does pubic hair make much of a difference to you during sex? I've only had one partner so I wouldn't know any different.My friends and I on a girls' night out at a bar were discussing the topic and we couldn't arrive at an answer we all agreed on. Just curious...

  11. 23 with a capital V. I dont know why its taken me so long, I just wasnt into boys and sex at all as a teenager. My parents thought I was a lesbian. It's taken me a while to convince them otherwise...](*,)

  12. When some people say they love the Australiana ccent - which one is it usually?

    The ocker, Crocodile Dundee man-from-the-bush accent that runs all their words together - owyergoinmateyouwannaavabeercarnmyshout -

    (translated - 'How you going mate you wanna have a beer? Come on, my shout.')


    Or is it the city slicker, Nicole Kidman/Cate Blanchett type accent?Just curious.


    btw I love Irish accents, particularly on a man with a nice deep voice...Colin Farrell....

  13. Hey coming from a woman's point of view, I think you might be just trying a bit too hard. Just be yourself and you can relax. The best pick-up attempt I've had - I was at the bar with a girlfriend and I could see the guy near me was smiling at me and turning away, he looked like he was a bit embarrassed. This went on for a couple of minutes.Then he drops a handful of ice on the floor, steps on it and crushes it. Then he turns to me, smiles, extends his hand in a friendly handshake and says "Now that I've broken the ice, my name's Carl....I was a bit embarrassed to talk to you before, I'm not very good at this..." and then we just had a nice friendly conversation. He was totally being himself, admitting he was embarrassed and I appreciated his honesty. He's now my bf. Honesty and just being yourself seem to work for a lot of women. Not all, but a lot. If you try too hard, its obvious. And that first woman you described sounded like a waste of your time anyway. No offense.

  14. Having said that though, if anyone is 'shallow' enough to date somebody just because of their looks, then that is their problem. They will be missing out on the connection and friendship side of a relationship and they will regret it in the long run when looks fade (as they do) and theres nothing inside the person that they like.

  15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And men and women can be as shallow as each other (come on girls, who are we kidding?!). The majority of people I think, do want personality and intelligence and common interests and all that because frankly, whats the point of trying to have a relationship with someone who doesn't interest you?! If its a one-night stand you're looking for then yes, you might just go with the first gorgeous person you meet, but for those looking for a relationship, I think we all want something deeper than just looks. And personally, being a woman and having a large circle of female and male friends, I think that at times, women can be eually as shallow as men.

  16. As a 23-yr old virgin I can tell you there are quite a few of us, and that doesn't mean we're ugly or prudes or very religious or there's something wrong with us. I don't want to sound vain but I've always had guys asking me out and my male friends tell me I'm pretty and sexy ( a couple of them have made moves on me actually, LOL), so they ask why do I never have a boyfriend? They think I'm just being fussy. But it's not that at all. A lot of guys seem to think I'm lying when I tell them I'm a virgin, and others want sex straight away so they leave me for someone who's willing to give them that. I'm not necessarily waiting for marriage, I'm just waiting for someone who's understanding and will respect me for my decision and love me for me, not for physical pleasure. I know a lot of young women (and men too, for that matter) but mainly women in the same situation.


    If an attractive woman tells you she's a virgin, you shouldn't assume she's lying. Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean she's banging every guy who walks around the corner. Attractive women can be virgins too you know.

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