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Posts posted by lostnconfused13

  1. Thank you for the advice, I caught myself last night and realized i needed to stop drinking so much especially since it wasnt helping other than to sleep. As far as the other girl reminding of my ex, remind me how? Looks are totally not the same nor the age. I'm not nit picking your suggestion, im just trying to understand.

    More advice is more than welcome

  2. I am having a real hard time dealing with the divorce. She is completely done with it her ring is off and done. I on the other hand am wondering how to cope and move on. My friend (female) is offering to have sex to see if that would help me??? ummm. i highly doubt it but thought i would throw it out there to you all. right now i am coping with drinking and movies...not working very well.

  3. Well some of you figured it out...lol he is me...lol


    The first marriage was the whole "high school sweethearts" thing, ended up growing apart and she had an affair, I have fully accepted and appologized for the errors he made in the marriage. Changed in accordance with those errors. Marriage lasted 4 years


    1 1/2 years later


    The second marriage was awesome at first, but then again most are, until life set in and a major depression came over me (lost job, grandmother passed away) and I almost shut down. Started fighting the depression and doing great since. Well about a month ago I was told that she was not happy and had not been happy for awhile. That she needed to "find" herself again and that one of us moving out was the most likely situation. I have been fighting tooth and nail since moving back in to show her that I wanted to make up the "lost" time to her. I was over the depression and ready to get on with life. Every time we have a civilized argument she likes to bring up the past but says she isnt holding a grudge. I really am lost when it comes to what to do now. I love her with all my heart and don't want it to be over. She says that love is not the issue because she loves me too. I am the first man in her life who has not treated her like trash, is she just not used to this?? Is she self destructive, she finally has what she has been looking for and now that she has it???? Close friends and family feel she is bi-polar.


    So that is some more info for you folks to put your info in on

  4. I need some input...If a guy has gone through 2 divorces before he is 30, is this guy doomed for any hope of a real relationship in the future? He has 1 son from the first marriage and none from the second but the kids she had from her 1st are extremely attatched to him, so there is potential for visits from them as well. Any ?'s feel free to ask. Gentelmen feel free to sound off as well.

  5. Thanks for the reply, all of her family is Colorado and she just started a new job so as far as her having a vacation or staying with parents...nope. I really wish I knew what else I am suppost to do. I dont drink, beat on her or the kids, dont do drugs, gamble. She told me that she was tired of me "putting her up on a pedastal" and never coming down on her but she feels guilty when she comes down on me for things. Uhhh...what am i missing????

  6. Hi all, I am kind of new to this so I hope I get it right.


    My wife and I met a little over 3yrs ago married for 2. We separated last Sept. mainly because I was going through a major bout of depression/lack of motivation. We got back together in late Dec. Well about a month ago I was told that she was not happy and had not been happy for awhile. That she needed to "find" herself again and that one of us moving out was the most likely situation. I have been fighting tooth and nail since moving back in to show her that I wanted to make up the "lost" time to her. I was over the depression and ready to get on with life. Every time we have a civilized argument she likes to bring up the past but says she isnt holding a grudge. I really am lost when it comes to what to do now. I love her with all my heart and don't want it to be over. She says that love is not the issue because she loves me too. I am the first man in her life who has not treated her like trash, is she just not used to this?? Is she self destructive, she finally has what she has been looking for and now that she has it????

    I know its not an affair...so what is it???


    Any ??'s feel free to ask...I just hope one of you may think of something that I havent thought of. Thank You

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