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Posts posted by 5150-Z06

  1. well,i havent completely acted assumin were a couple.she will say one of girlfriends are wantin to go out shoppin this comin up weekend and i will say yall will have fun,she will say she wanted me to come with them,she will say that she doesnt want to ngo alone.i am thinkin she assumes we are a couple

  2. ive been seeing/dating this girl for about 5 months.....she had came out of a longterm relationship when we started talking.about 2 months into the relationship,we had the talk where i let her know that i see more going on between us than just being friends and she agreed.she said she wanted to take it slow and i said that was cool with me.usually when you get to this point,if the girl is not intersted after youve spillt your guts to her about your feelings and she hangs around....thats usually a good sign.i told her the ball was in her court.she is brutally honest and she would have told me if she didnt want a relatinship with me,in fact she addmitted she had very strong feelings for me.we do have to be careful,as we work at the same place and the company has a policy against relations between co-workers.we talk to each other several times a day and hang out some during the week and almost every weekend together as well.we often go on day long trips out of town to go shopping or whatever.she has told me several times that she has never had so much fun with anyone as she does with me....does this girl see me as her BF or not.i really dont wanna ask her again,i think she assumesw we are a couple now......what do you think......PS,she doesnt ever go out with any other men.......

  3. is it normal for my woman to not want to be around me for a few days when its that time of the month.....its almost like she doesnt wanna talk to me or nothin for a few days....is this somewhat normal?we havent had any arguments and im sure theres not another guy in the picture...

  4. will do.in the meantime i have a question for you.is it ok for me to ask her if she wants to hangout or should i let her ask me.im thinkin just let her ask me since she is the one that seems to need a little time.we still communicate great and i really have no reason to think that it will not work out.i just havent seen as much latley as i would like to.......but i will be patient

  5. i definitely think she is worth waiting for.she is one of the few women i have been around i think really gets me.she gets my sense of humor,we already have several inside jokes that no one else knows about.i hate to cut us down but we are kinda like geeks.you wouldnt think by looking at us or even hangin out with us.i just really feel we are a good match and she has even said that herself.i hope if i stand back and let her do what she wants to that it will all work out for us to be together...

  6. i recently started talking to this girl a little over 2 months ago.we have known each other for about 3 years.she used to date a guy i knew and she was good friends with my ex at one time.it is important to know that her and my ex were not friends for about the last 6 months of my relationship.i have had several people in the past tell me that the girl im talking to now has had the hots for me for a while.im in my late twenties and she is close to her mid twenties.i know her amd her mom are really close and have been arguing lately.this girl is brutally honest and will not hold back tellin you something to keep from hurting your feelings.i know her and her ex are through and my instincts are telling me there is not another guy.i dont see any signs of another guy either.in the past couple of weeks,she has become somewhat distanced from me.we havent had any arguments,we get along great.her mom loves me to death.i often spend the entire weekends with her.she really only has one friend that she hangs out wih if she isnt with me.we had the little relationship talk about a month ago and i told her that i really think there is alot more going on than just being friends and she agreed.she and i also agree that we should take it slow.i almost feel like its goin backwards now.....sometimes though i make something out of nothing.i am 180 degrees different than her ex,i actually respect her and encourage to spend time with her mom and her friend she hangs out with(a female),who seems like she thinks the world of me also.she said she needs some alone time for herself and i am willing to give it her.i asked her about a week ago if she still had the same feelings for me and she said yes and she wished i wouldnt ask her that.i think if she didnt want to be with me she would tell me.im thinking maybe she wants to be single for a little while or i think this may be even more right,she got hurt in her last relationship by being cheated on and not be respected.she knows im not hte type to do that but maybe its ion the back of her head that she will be hurt again.....someone,preferably a woman,tell me what the heck is goin on and what should i do?

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