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Posts posted by onewithbooks

  1. Cynder,


    I was talking with another member and I recalled this thread that you made with your picture of the tree nymph. I saw it when you first posted and I didnt have a minute to post that day, and I apologize but it totally slipped my mind to come back and post. That will teach me to be better about subscribing to threads!!


    I really love this piece. I love the butterfly detail in her hair, and the texture you were able to get in her arms, and that waterfall looks positively electric!


    I know virtually nothing about art, so I dont have any constructive criticism, my apologies, but keep it up.


    Have you been able to finish this since you posted this shot?

  2. Thank you Lemon! It really is a spectacular piece. It is actually enormous. You cant really tell from that angle though, I will look for a better shot so you can see the scale.

  3. Thanks capbit! Your butterfly shot is amazing!!


    Here is a few more local shots...


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    My favorite place, the art museum


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    The river


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    Chihuly glass


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  4. More River Road shots. The last one is the Piasa bird, its a part of our local Native American foklore, and it is painted on the bluffs.


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  5. What body are you guys shooting with? My 20D is okay but with higher ISO I'm drooling over the new 5D. I need a new lens too


    My camera is a kodak easy share digital camera the C140 model. My mom found it at Wal-Mart for about 70 dollars.

  6. I took some shots at the Botanical Garden yesterday and I was inspired to post. These were taken in the Climatron.


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  7. Thank you ladies, I really appreciate your words. I just got to thinking how I am at this point right now where I am at the start of something. That led me to think about where I want to go and what I want to become, and who I want to be when I get there. Well then you have the rest. Ideally if I could be all those things, wow, that would be great. If I could pick only one, it would be the last one.


    Yes of course Angel, by all means keep it. I am going to print it out and put it in my school things as a reminder of why I am working so hard.


    Ready, I love your statement! It's fantastic.

  8. So its not really poetry, just a personal reminder of the kind of woman I want to be.


    The Kind of Woman I Want to Be



    The kind of woman I want to be is the kind of woman who savors life like a good wine.


    The kind of woman who knows her own style and what that really is, and for whom class means more than textbooks and grades.


    I want to be the kind of woman who listens to others and can take it all in and then speak concisely and intelligently upon it.


    I want to be the kind of woman who when she walks into a room, business will be begin , creativity will flow, and ideas will grow.


    I want to be the kind of woman who has not forgotten the meaning of respect. I want to be the kind of woman who commands the respect of others, not through demand, but through the action of delivering.


    I want to be the kind of woman who uses words as her weapon of choice. Not to hurt, but to reveal to the world that eyes need to be opened and fires need to be lit. I want to be the kind of woman who knows how to extinguish the useless fires and how to light her own.


    I want to be the woman who is comfortable walking into the symphony in a formal gown as she is walking in jeans into the steakhouse. I want to be the woman who accepts others as they are, and who is accepted by most others.


    The kind of woman I want to be will walk away from nastiness with grace, and who makes others realize that through grace they can achieve their end.

    I want to be the woman who can lead by example, who voices her concern, who fights the fight all while maintaining strength, courage, and the ability to know when there are things I simply cannot change.


    Most of all I want to be a woman with humility, understanding, and a woman who with compassion sees the hearts of people. I want to be the kind of woman who can see need and create action to remedy the need. I want to be the kind of woman for whom the word humanity is not just another entry in the dictionary.

  9. I have been listening to a lot of audio books. But one of the last actual books I read was Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. I loved the first book I read by her, Interpreter of Maladies, and her only novel, The Namesake.


    This book did not disappoint. It was wonderful. I highly, highly recommed everyone read her. I am not a huge fan of the short story, but she is brilliant.

  10. Finally a woman who doesn't have a list with dozens of points...


    Thank you for the compliment. I am sure there are more, but those are the main dealbreakers. If one of those are missing there is a good chance I wouldnt go on a date with him.

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