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Everything posted by NeptuneCF_

  1. Thanks guys means a lot. I was supposed to meet her so I could get money from her which she owed. I needed this money right now but I dont know how to go about getting it. If I try contacting her it might make me look like im acting desperate or something to talk to her. All I want is the money right now. Dont want to looks cheap either. Wouldnt mind meeting her at the same time but whats the point. How would you guys suggest me going about this?
  2. Didnt go to good, big mistake going along with it because in the end its just games. Really sorry if this is discouraging to anyone.
  3. Im still happy shes trying to contact me and I want to meet with her and I want her to be in my life she reminds me of happier times and her being there might just bring some of it back. It wont hurt if nothing progresses, just her being there is good enough for me. So I guess I will be contacting her today no matter how awkward it will be life will go on. Facing it will only help me in the future.
  4. We havent said anything about getting together. It is just simply a meeting nothing more nothing less. More of a friends thing than anything else and im Ok with that; which is why its so weird that I cant get myself to do it.
  5. After 6 months of NC she wants to "hang out". I told her I would call her today to plan to meet today. If I dont call her it will be rude right? I cant get myself to do it and the weirdest part is I have no idea why. FYI she broke NC and I have been putting off a meeting for sometime. It is getting to the point that if I dont do something about it now, who knows how long she'll wait for. Please, some words of encouragment would really help.
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