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Posts posted by CrazyKing

  1. 1/2 or even more of the female population will not like a particular man... And some of them would even hate them and wouldn't even be able to tell the reason why, because they don't know it...


    It's all about how we observe the world - I guess you pay too much attention to the girls that don't find you attractive...

  2. your best bet is to be a cocky shallow douchebag with alot of money.

    apparently being an ***hole is the key to happiness.

    I know a plenty of girls who don't care about money and don't want me to be an ***hole...


    People tend to think that their problems come from outside, it's all in your head, man!!!

  3. Well, I suggest talking about random stuff, having fun, if you can touch her and she's touching you (I don't mean in a sinful way), the conversation is going to move further, perhaps you can ask her to sit on your lap and that usual stuff...


    But don't do it like a female friend of mine who once met one of my buddies, and rubbed her beer bottle as if it was a penis while looking in his eyes... That sort of sexual signals don't work, lol, she hasn't been talking to me since that because I made a funny comment about that...

  4. It's nice to read what kind of fantasies people have before they get into a serious relationship for the first time: "it'll be just like returning to the Garden of Eden", love, bla bla bla...


    In reality, relationships nowadays are just plain math - look for the benefits you can get with a person and you'll be heading for the presidency, that does not mean that there is no such thing as love involved in all this - it only appears much later - you can't fall in love with a person in a few weeks or months, it takes a load more than a year... This is the reason why there are tons of lonely guys out there - don't search for 'love' all the time and cry your pillow wet, but find somebody to hang out with on a regular basis (look for a friend first, love comes later)...


    Wonder what happened to the author of this thread - It's been more than 3 years since the last post here...

  5. I don't think I would be able to live if I was 65 yrs old and still a virgin..Being 29 is hard enough but being in my sixities and still a virgin, I wouldn't be able to handle it..I just couldn't live.

    Well, at that age, sex isn't playing a mayor role in life anymore, actually...

  6. As much as I can tell - I don't really know the reason why I was quite shy, I defeated my shyness...

    Perhaps it could have been the way how I tried to cope with my parent's problems - I still have some kind of wall in front of me when I have to talk about several things regarding family and spiritual matters - I start to tell pointless jokes and behave quite childish - Only while being completely alone with a person and only knowing him/her for a long time, I am able to talk about his/hers and my beliefs...

  7. its your fault.....theres millions of deseprate men out there and no man will ever reject a woman no matter what cz its boost his ego and confidence when i woman comes on to him, play ure part and get kissed/layed within 3 hours....and im not lying


    Actually a guy has already to have a high confidence, women are never really willing to spend their time with somebody who always needs someone else to change himself, and if you try to pull the author of this thread to jump on everyone she sees just to get laid, reminds me of turning her into a ...........

  8. People are damaging their daily life so much with all these thoughts about having relationships with somebody who isn't interested in him/her at all... I have wasted months like this when I was at school...


    Just imagine how much of your potential girlfriends you have already missed just because you kept dreaming about some girl from school...

  9. My life seems to repeat some kind of cicle all the time - For a few weeks or even more than a month everything feels good - the best way to waste my lonely time is painting and music and I feel like I won't need anything else - I have a boring job, I just earn enough to finance my hobbies, but that won't bring me down, I even love it...


    But then I get some kind of flashback where I rememmber all my problems with girls as if they had happened just a few minutes ago and I start feeling exactly the same as I felt before I found my hobbies - I feel like I'll never get a job where I could earn enough to live in my own property or something like that, I'll never be able to meet someone because I'm too different from the others...


    I've quit drinking, I don't go to bars or pubs anymore, I don't even visit clubs and that sort of things, so actually I just meet only 5 or a maximum of 6 people every day (colleagues, family)... All the friends I used to hang out with have girls, some of them are going to get married, they have good jobs, their lives are perfect, they really look like they've found the ones they're made for...


    I left the univerity because my field of interests is different...


    I don't want to visit art courses and that kind of hobby stuff, because it's full of 40-60 year old people (don't know anyone in my age), also our academy of fine arts is expensive as hell, I feel like there's no way out of my mess, I start to believe that I'll never meet somebody, and a family is something I don't even want to dream about...

  10. Hmmm... A few days ago I found that one of my friend's sister is interested in me just like I'm interested in her... Hey, just take a look around - there are loads of girls who would like to spend some time together, you guys seem to be so fanatically concentrated on finding a girlfriend, that you pass them by without noticing...

  11. I was thinking exactly the same like you - now I'm in the university and nothing has changed in case of relationships - all the same stuff, you can hang out as long as you want, but they never ever will see you as a partner, then there's the feeling that you'll stay alone for the rest of your life - MAN, I'm still alive, this problem bothers me sometimes, but I try to ignore it by hanging out with my friends or doing some other stuff... And I was also thinking: "Maybe I'm gay, I should hang out with guys..." - LOL, perhaps the dumbest thing I was ever thinking in my life...


    Then there's the thing that you want a girl NOW, as fast as you can, you want an instant relationship kit served here on how to get a girlfriend in notime!!! heh, that's impossible, life ain't a garden full of roses, you know... Just go out & have fun, enjoy your youth as long as you can!!!

  12. My face nearly turned red as I heard the most fitting comment from my mother regarding me and my brother's (often) evil and angry reactions to people talking about sex (in newspapers, tv, etc..), she said that we both act as if we're not that interested in these things, but these reactions show that we both have unsatisfied sexual lifes...


    Man, actually thats true, I try to ignore it, but I often feel that I'm getting angry just because I haven't experienced such things, I'm more or less jealous on all these people...


    We both are deeply involved in other activities like culture, music, art, but the essential parts called 'love' & 'sexual relationships' is missing, that's more because we haven't had a good youth due to my parent's problems, we don't want our relationships to end like that, so we're somehow trying to find the right partners, but that ain't work so we stand here like two prisoners looking out of the windows and screaming at all the people who are free... Personally, I don't have problems talking to girls or whatever, It's just the fact that we ain't find those who would be just like us... Sometimes I have fantasies about staying alone for the rest of my life and doing everything so that I don't have to think about sex or anything like that, it's annoying...


    What would you do if you were in such a situation where almost all of your friends are getting married and you pretend to be uninterested in all this???

  13. I've been asked by my friends all the time about why I don't have a girlfriend, some have even told that I URGENTLY had to find one... And that's the thing that made ME depressive, because everybody else who already have their partners were asking about this part in my life...


    Now I try to concentrate on my hobbies, sure, sometimes I get such a freakin' bad mood and even tears in my eyes by thinking about how lonely I am, but I forget about it when I make some musical stuff that sounds just right for me...

  14. I started to be keen on getting a girlfriend when I was 15 - it all started just because of walking around the town and seeing half of my classmates with their "partners". The main problem in those times was that I used to be a loner, that's the reason why I had a terrible depression for about 3 years.

    At the end of highschool I began to change myself radically, at the beginning I was the silent and nearly never-talking dude, but then It looked like I'd mutated into one of the most talkative people at school. And still there was the same problem with girls - sure, I had some nice girls in class, but they all had boyfriends (nothing unusual when you're eightteen).

    It all went like that until I started to study at the university. The first months went quite good - I met some very nice girls, went to some dates, but after realizing that those dates were actually pointless - imagine walking around with a person for hours and you see that she's not the one you'd like to be together with or she wouldn't be willing to be together with me - I just decided to do everything just not to have to think about girls again.

    Now I'm making electronic music, writing poems, drawing, or sometimes just getting drunk like crazy in some bar with some friends (ok, that's not that positive)...


    The only thing I wanted to ask is - in what way you organized your life when you found your love? Were you looking for a girl/boy friend?


    I've always heard that I don't have to think about finding a girlfriend, and then everything will be fine and you'll meet THE ONE. Hey, I haven't been thinking about girls for nearly 2 years and I still haven't got any further than being somehow a teddy bear for some girls...

  15. Well, you complain that you never hang out, go to parties and all that stuff??? The only thing that I learned going to clubs & parties is that you'll definitely never find someone, but at least i've learned talking to people, cuz I was awfully shy until I started going to such places...


    Now I'm in the first semester at the university, I had to cope with depression last year, I even attempted suicide, well, one of the main reasons were these stupid parties and all the guys with their girlfriends, and I was always alone...


    And help came, my mother told me: "If you don't clearly know what you're looking for, then you'll never have any success..."


    Hey, I've been sitting for hours and I truly can't imagine what I'm looking for in a girl, sometimes I don't know if I just want a sexual relationship or someone who's listening to the same music, I just can't imagine why I should need a girlfriend at this point, It's the chaos in our heads that makes us lonely...

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