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Posts posted by marinaprettyone

  1. You are obviously a kind and caring woman. This man duped you, and he sounds violent. He is certainly being emotionally abusive and using every tactic he can to manipulate you.

    Please get far, far away from this person.

    Please get your child far, far away from this person.

    If he threatens you, keep a record of it and report it to police. You may need evidence later...

    You deserve much better.

    I admire your decision not to tell the wife. You are obviously trying to do the best for everyone involved.

    However, you may not be doing her a favor, as she and her child deserve better as well.


    You made a mistake, but you're not a bad person. He is. Get away from him.

  2. Thanks for the advice. Tomorrow I'm calling for an appointment, and I am still undecided as to what it will be for.

    The father is still pressuring for an abortion.

    I am trying to figure out how I can have the baby and manage to keep him out of our lives.

    Maybe it is not possible, so I shouldn't have it. But my heart tells me otherwise.

  3. Yes, you are right that I should not have slept with this person, and now I have brought another person into this mess. I did consider adoption, but, knowing his family, I think that they would contest it. I do not want my child to end up anywhere near this guy. The only other option would be for me to disappear. Which would be hard because I would have to be dishonest and I would have to be away from my family and friends. Which leaves the option of not having the baby at all, which is probably what I will do.

  4. money has absolutely NOTHING to do with being a good father. deadbeat dad= father who would even consider leaving a woman pregnant with his child because it does not conveniently fit within his plans to travel. You had sex with someone. Birth control isn't failproof. You are now a father, based upon the choices YOU made. Whether or not your wife deceived you, you made the conscious choice NOT to use your OWN method of birth control, and you made a conscious choice to have sex. Babies do not appear out of thin air. Shame on you, you are the epitome of a deadbeat dad.

  5. you should be ashamed of yourself, you are already a deadbeat dad. If you don't want to father a child, don't have sex, it's that simple. The kid is yours, like it or not. You are heartless for even thinking of leaving your pregnant wife.

    Grow a conscience and do the right thing.

  6. Thanks.


    I am on birth control, apparently it didn't work.


    His family is nice but very religious.


    I have not told anyone because I literally just found out, as in last night.


    He wants me to have an abortion. My sense of practicality says that this is the best idea, but I really don't want to. I had one abortion when I was younger, but that was because I truly felt I was not ready to have a child. I think it would be very irresponsible to have an abortion just because it is "inconvenient timing."


    I don't know, but I appreciate the advice.


    The only thing is, should I bring a child into the world knowing it will have a bad father? Is this responsible? I want to do what is best for the child and not what is best for me or for my boyfriend.

  7. I am very happy and very worried at the same time. I just found out I am pregnant. I am not married, but I have been with my boyfriend on and off for three years. Here are my concerns:

    I am about to graduate college(next week) with my bachelors degree, but I am worried about finding a good job pregnant.

    My boyfriend is younger than me by four years, and I believe he is too young to be a father. He is a musician, which means he is gone nights and doesn't make much money.

    My boyfriend is addicted to marijuana.

    I don't drink or do drugs often, but last week I ate a "magic" brownie. I am terrified that this hurt the baby.

    My boyfriend recently cheated on me with his ex girlfriend, with whom he has retained an ongoing secretive relationship throughout our relationship.

    I want to move away from him but now I might be having a child with him.

    My family lives here, so if I move, I won't have much support.

    If I do move, his family might try to stop me because of the baby.

    I don't know what to do, because I feel I am old enough and stable enough to be a good mother, but I don't want to be tied to this man for the rest of my life.


    Any input is welcome and needed. Especially from single mothers.

  8. He called me a few days later and confessed that he had gotten angry at me one night and went to her house and cheated on me. I knew something had happened. I know I'm better off but man does it hurt. He wants to get back together. Has anyone experienced this and gotten over it in the relationship? Or should I just move on?

  9. he broke up with me, it seemed so out of the blue. One day he was talking about maybe moving in together and then literally the next day, wham!

    I just hate this feeling of despair. I can't seem to get out of it. I know I'm better off, we weren't compatible, but I can't get over the shock or the heartbreak. I'm beautiful, smart, talented, educated, but I feel like there's nothing left.

    That's all.

  10. I have been with my boyfriend on and off for three years. Our biggest problem has been his ex girlfriends, one of whom i believe he cheated on me with, if not physically then emotionally. We broke up for about four months, and during that time he began sleeping with this exl. He came back to me and told me he missed me, and that he wanted to try things again. For several months he has been an angel, and even promised to stop having contact with the ex. However, we travel in the same group of friends, and have to see her often. She is very angry at me, and continually badmouths me, gives me dirty looks, and takes vindictive actions against me. He continues to be friendly toward her, and they are talking again a little bit. I believe that she is angry at me because he let her think that I "stole" him from her. I tried contacting her and trying to make peace, but it ended badly. I believe he should confront her and ask her to leave me alone, because I have done nothing to her. Is this too much to ask? Is it too much to ask for him to stop seeing her completely? I am so tired of this. I am trying so hard to rebuild trust, but it is so difficult with her always up in my face. Also, some of the actions she has taken against me, he knew about and didn't tell me about until months later. I feel that he should "have my back", and that being friendly to her is just not right. Am I wrong?

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