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Posts posted by brooke617

  1. Pregnancy sucks! I mean this is my first pregnancy and already I'm going insane. All, I think about is if the babys going to be healthy. If I will die while giving-birth. Like I don't want to be pregnant any more. I'm depressed all the time and feel as if my family and friends have no idea what this is actually doing to me. To make things worse all I want to do is sleep. Like my eyes get really dry and its hard for me to see, and when I close my eyes it all goes away. Has anyone gone through this while being pregnant? If so is it normal, is there anything I can do about any of the above I talked about???? Any advice would help!!

  2. Alright, I am currently 17 weeks pregnant. I feel like this was the biggest mistake of my life. I hate my life and feel like I am hopeless, as if everything in my life is out of control. I am so depressed. I hate the relationship that I am in and feel at times that I don't even want to be in it anymore. Reason being is because my b/f is a total to me. He just doesn't care about anything I have to say or what to do. I gave up all my friends for him nearly 2 years ago and now it feels as if i have nothing. WE fight nonstop, like thats all we do. I don't know what it is, but I just want out. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  3. So, I am just about 17 weeks pregnant. I have been turned on by everything. Wanting to have sex all the time. I was never like this before I became pregnant. I practically never wanted to have sex. But now, thats all I think about. I don't know whats wrong with me, is this normal because the hormornes or whatnot? Or should I be worried?

  4. So, as you all know I am 14 weeks. I was at work when i started to get light brown discharge. I called my ob and he just said to get some rest. This is like the fourth time i left work becuase of my pregnancy. Would it be wrong if they were to fire me because of it. Also, is it normal to have light brown discharge? Has any one had it? I don't think it is an emergency becuase there is no pain. I don't know. Any help?

  5. So I am 14 weeks prego. I was just wondering, if it is normal to have pains in your lower stomach. I don't know if it is the baby moving or what. It seems to get worse when i am at work. I work at a nursing home so I am always on the run. Could me being so active effect the pain. Any advice?

  6. Alright, so I wrote on here yesterday complaining of lower stomach pains. I am just about 13 weeks and have been having very painful cramps. No bleeding or no increase in discharge. just extrememly painful cramps when i walk around for a long period of time. or even for just 30 mins. My obgyn just said it is a virus and not to worry. But thats all that i have been doing. Has anyone had this pain that hurt like hell. If so i really need some reassurance or some advice. Thanks so much..........i'm at a loss

  7. Like I said they don't want to see me unless I am bleeding. I just talked to the ob on call, and he said from the symptoms I told him that it sounded like that. So the ER is out of the question, I don't think it is that serious. I was jsut wondering if anyone went through this. The pains. I thought it was just my uterus stretching, but it hurts really bad. I dunno any clues?

  8. I am just around 13 weeks. When I was at work I started getting really bad pains on my lower stomach. When I stood up and walked around it got to the point where I wanted to cry, and I got really dizzy. As soon as I sat down it went away. The obgyn doctor that was on call said I had a upper respitory infection, and need to go on a bland diet. Does any one else have any clue about what this could be and why it happened. I mean could it hurt the baby or effect it even though it is killing me? Please help I am at a lose. All the doctor cared about was if I am bleeding or not. I wasn't so he didn't seem like he was really listening. Any help?

  9. No, I just turned 3 months today. It hurts all over but alot right below my belly button. I am just really scared because I had a miscarriage before. I don't think I am mentally ready for that again. So, it is normal to have sharp pains lasting awhile?

  10. So about 2 hours ago, I started having bad cramps! Lasting about a minute or two every 10 mins. Now, I am thinking this might be a miscarriage. I called the ER and they said to call back if I am bleeding. Has anyone been through this. If so what might this be. IS it a symptom of miscarriage. OR am I just overexaggerating. I am 3 months. PLease I need help on this. I am losing it.THANKS

  11. I know what you feel like. I was about 6 weeks when I had my first miscarriage. I tell you what that is the most devasting thing that could happen. No one knows what its like until you actually experience it on your own. I dont think i will ever get over it. You can't forget the past but you can move on to the future. I as well am pregnant. So I wish you all the best.

  12. Huh? What do you mean you never heard of people not having sex during pregnancy. It's very known to have sex during pregnancy. Obviously, you have no clue about pregnancy! Not to be mean, but I would prefer people who have gone through this. Not someone just guessing.

  13. So I have just found out that I was pregnant a little over 2 weeks ago! I have been having sexual intercourse, and started feeling pain. Like very bad pain if we were too rough. I don't think this is normal during pregnancy. Unless I am wrong. I dont know. I was just wondering why this happens, and could it cause an miscarriage???????????

  14. Is it normal to lose alot of hair while being pregnant. It is just about 11 days since my last missed period. I was just wondering is it normal to shed alot of hair when you comb it, or take a shower? Also, I had a miscarriage in the past. Is there a higher risk of losing it the second time around. I used to smoke a pack a day. So I am thinking that may have been the cause. You know you can never be too sure. Any advice on this, or anything regarding pregnancy would help alot. I have no one to talk to about being pregnant and my worrys so I am coming to everyone familiar with what I am going through. Thank-you all so very much!

  15. I was wondering if it could harm the baby if you ran on the treadmill. I run 3 miles mostly everyday at a speed of 7.1. I am just about 4 weeks pregnant. A couple days after my missed period. So can anyone help me out. And let me know if it is okay to run 3 miles while pregnant. Thanks!

  16. Wow! I guess I was caught by surprise. I just took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I dont have any insurance or any money to afford it. Does any one know a way state could get me free health care because I am pregnant. In the state of New YOrk. I am totally scared about making sure this baby gets all the prenatal care that it needs. Please help!

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