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Posts posted by jellypp

  1. once again i would like to thank everyone out here for ur support and advices ..

    well...oktoday her boyfriend called me up and asked me if she was having an affair...cos he's been hearin stuffs about her and all..i was caught off guard..i didn't know what to say..i just told him 'i don't know'...well than after that i hang up mumbling something ...i tried calling my friend's cell but she didn't pick up so i went over to her place but she wasn't there so i went back home

    After sometime she came over to my place and started shouting and screaming saying i told her bf the whole truth(DUH!)i tried saying i didn't but she wouldn't listen

    She did try convincing her bf but it didn't work this time..he's pretty devastated..he called me and told me he could never ever trust a girl again..i said i was sorry for all the lying and he said its ok and not my fault...my friend won't talk to me..sigh

  2. thanks you all for ur wonderful advices u guys seem to know a lot!

    Ok so her bf jus called up before i log in here...he was just asking if she's reached her mom place...sigh..apparently my friend told him she's gonna be stayin with her mom for sometime the poor guy!i agree with most of you out there...like stayin away from the whole thing,even my bf been tellin me that for sometime...but im like soo caught up in the middle..i feel sorry for the guy but at the same time can't tell on my friend...

    anyway so while i was typing this my friend just message me to tell him that she's at her mom if he calls...i told her i don't want to be involve anymore cos i feel sorry for the guy and don't like what she's doin...her message "ure such a b****"...now what am i suppose to say?

    er...im not much of a vocal person,i mean i can't realli express myself..and she's good at that!!

  3. Ok...first some background..one of my good friend's boyfriend have gone for some exchange programe to Australia.And there's this guy who my friend have dated in the past..they have been sleeping together and have been hanging out alot...her boyfriend often calls her but she doesn't answer and ignores his calls often...and then if he gets angry at her for not pickin up she'll cry and find an excuse and he'll forgive her.He's such a sweet guy,he sends her gifts and letters,etc(my friend has this habit of gettin her way everytime)...so what do i do..i told her a million times about the consequences if her bf comes to know..but she doesn't seem to care...and at the same time i feel sorry for her guy im not those type to snitch but im gettin soo frustrated...everytime her bf calls me to ask where she is..i have to lie...i feel sorry for the poor guy..he's not those type who plays aroun..very loyal and a faithful bf..he loves her alot and i believe she loves him too..or?pls help!

  4. wow..that was fast thank you to each and everyone one of u who replied..i don kno wat to say!

    ive been trying to communicate with him..but he just don't want to listen ..he'll be like ok watever..and so i often brushes off..he makes me feel like im the one who's just having a problem and that there's nothing wrong with our relationship...and yea i wote him an email..i don know if he read it or not!its damn frustrating not been able to express urself!!

    im trying to change..to be stronger emotionally...but he always makes me feel soo worthless...like im just upset about breakin a nail or something

  5. hi everyone..i have been reading this post for sometime and found them helpful.i have been living with my boyfriend for more than a year now..and at first it was wonderful..he would do stuffs for me,treated me like a princess and was realli nice..i used to feel all secure around him..

    ok now..the problem is both of us don't talk much..im realli bad verbally..i can't express wat i feel or for that matter even say watever's on my mind..instead out of fraustrations i keep quite and eventually cry im a very emotional person but that never was a problem before...initially he used to hold me or comfort me whenever he see me in tears and tells me that it breaks his heart to see me like this...such a big change from wat he is now!this days he's like ok cry and let everyone hear you or don be so sensitive about every little thing or wat the f*** is wit u?(oh did i tell u guys dat he always has to win in every conversation,n im always wrong)etc etc...this days i don't tell wat i feel to him and jus have a good cry wer he can't see me..or if he does he'll freak out

    other than that other times its fine..we enjoy each other's company and have fun together.but the main thing is we can't seem to communicate...he never listens and i jus can't seem to let my feeling out...i don kno wat to do or say..but i guess u guys got the idea..pls help.

  6. i have a loving boyfriend of 2 years..and our sex life is great...but the one thing that bothers me is im attracted to girls..of course i don want to hook up wit any girl or even have sex wit them...but i like looking at naked women..and often indulge in fantasies like my bf screwin her hard or me touchin her and u kno stuffs like dat!!In reality im a very jealouse girl and would not dream of sharin my man wit anyone!do anyone of u experience this?

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