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Posts posted by lg100

  1. So here is my story....I had been dating this girl for two years. She is still in college and I am out of college. Things were going great. Then this past February she said she wanted space. I granted her wish. We still talked everyday as usual like before this. We even got together lots of times but not as many as we were dating. We dated other people and what not....and then this weekend, on sunday, she said she wanted to get back together. We were supposed to meet up, she was supposed to give me a call...but she called me an hour late and had already made plans with this other girl I have been seeing...so now she got mad and said she didnt want to get back together...i dont get it...anyone help me??

  2. I have been talking with this one girl for sometime now after getting introduced to her. The first few times we would go out with our respective friends and meet up with another and just chat for hours. Couple weeks ago I took her on our first date. Everything went well. I have not rushed everything. I then went on a vacation for a week and met up with her following that. She invited me out for her birthday with all her friends. Then we went back to her house for a little party with the rest of her family. They knew who I was, so obviously she had something to them about me after all the original talking we had done together. She is always asking me if I am being scared away by me meeting her family. I had a fun time and was honest with her and told her no. We have then proceded to talk more and more and have been out together a few more times. I just want to know, if I am just over analyzing this thing. If she has also told me she likes me, is that a good thing. Also, when I was gone that week, she was telling me she missed hanging out and that it was the longest week ever for her because we didn't really talk that much that week. I want yor guys' opinion.

  3. I had been dating this girl for 2 years and then she said she wanted to break it off. We were in a long distance relationship while she is at school. We saw each other most weekends and for the past 2 summers. We would take turns seeing each other. She didnt have any friends there until recently and that is when she said she didnt want a boyfriend. She doesnt want to add another stress in her life...missing me while she was away. She has a full load at school to handle plus a full-time job. It has been a month. We talked on the phone this past month pretty regularly. This past week she was on spring break and we saw each other everyday, had fun, and she still said she deeply loved me still and missed me a ton. I responded the same way. I am just confused with this whole situation. She called me that same night (yesterday) when she got back and has already said she misses me alot. Can anyone out there make any sense of this matter? I figure if not talking with her all that often....we would talk 2 times/day....if she misses me...then couple times/week is fine....can anyone help me??

  4. I had not seen my ex-gf for a month and met this past Saturday for dinner. I had talked with her on the phone lots of times over the month as she wanted the talking to continue. She said "I need space". I gave it to her. So after a month, we went to dinner and then back to her place for a movie. We ended up having sex at the end of the night. On my way home, she called and told me I should have stayed the night. I didn't, I just kept driving. She called me early the next morning for no reason. The following day I spent the night and she told me how much she has missed me and how much she still loves me, and how much fun she had, and then I told her the same. She wanted space so I gave it to her. She was talking with other people during this time as was I. when she heard this, it seemed she was a little jealous. I am seeing her this weekend again as she wants to get together. Can anyone make anything of this? You think these are signs she wants to be togehter still?

  5. It has been almost one month since my girlfriend broke up with me and have dated for 2 years. I am just very confused. I have not seen her at all in this time. We rarely chatted for the first couple weeks and now we have begun to talk everyday, with her and I going to dinner this weekend. Also, when she calls me she says she misses me alot and wants to makeout with me. Also, the previous weekends she would call drunk and say she misses me and still loves me.....i just dont get it...anyone out there make anything of this?

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