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Posts posted by Morning_dew

  1. True, I still think about him. Sometimes I ponder what had gone wrong, but then again, he had been quite defensive even at our initial correspondence. For some reason, I want to be with him again (dont wry ppl, Im not planning to contact him). But I dont know why I still want to talk to him. I'd hate to say this but I hope that he's still obsessing about me. I know he still reads my msn nicknames. Somehow, I hope he's obssessed about me. I remember how he said he's kept the note I wrote him. I hope he still reads it. For some reason, I still think about him. Kinda stupid really.

  2. You are right. I am better off without him. He matches 99% of the description of a "loser" whcih Ive previously read on this site. I know he's abusive. Part of me still feels upset that he mistreated me that way although he knew that he was lucky to have had me. I don't understand how someone would know that he's lucky to have me and still mistreat me. It's strange. I can't say that I loved him, but I did like him. Right now, I'm just disappointed that all of this happened.

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