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Posts posted by jkall

  1. thankyou for your responses

    i know in my own mind i am being abused mentaly but i just dont have the strenghth to go so many things hold me

    firstly i have been with this man for 18 years i have a very unstable background myself i have gone thorugh so much before he came along and i am scared of being alone and coping

    i know also there are many help and support groups but i am unsure how to

    aproach them

    even with the support of my cpn i am still frightend not of the physical

    i have had that before but just of trying to start again

    i have very little confidence in my self or belife

    but thankyou for answering

  2. help this is quite long




    hi im new here so please forgive me if i am in the wrong place

    am under the care of our local mental health services

    because of depression which goes from being quite mild to quite scary

    i also have to cope with a partner who is quite difficult also my son suffers

    from asd

    at the moment i am coping with a lot and its really affecting me

    my cpn thinks my partner may be suffering from a personality disorder

    because of the way he behaves towards authority figures

    she has been at my house and experianced him having one of these episodes

    and at our consaltation yesterday sudjested i look up personality disorders

    this is a exaple of what can happen


    i recived a phone call on monday 9th jan

    from our sons school it is a special needs school

    sudjesting a contract of behaviour and that a meting to discuss this

    was aranged

    the next day through the post a contract signed by our son and his teacher arrived

    to which my partner went balistic

    i agree the school were in the wrong and we should have been consulted but

    he went way over the top in his reaction

    he phoned the school

    and just went into a triad of aggression towards the staff

    he wasnt abusive but very forcfull

    when he eventualy got a call back the teacher found the situation amusing

    which only fulled his rage

    to end was our son didnt go to school on the next few days

    to cap it all on the friday morning my partner still feeling beligerant

    was going on about how disgusting the staff at the school were

    in front of our son he actualy said to our son not to abide by the contract

    of behaviour and that if the staff picked on him he was to go to the head teacher

    at 9 15 we recived a phone call to say our son had walked in to class and told the staff his dad had told him not to do any thing the teachers told him

    so they wernt prepared to have him at the school

    they requested we take him home

    as we have no transport they brought him home

    to which my partner started going on about kidnapping and how they arnt alllowed to take a child of the school premisis without our permission

    this is not a isolated incident everytime

    he gets a lettrer or someone speaks to him in the wrong tone

    its as if he becomes some one else but if you met him he is mr charming its self

    i dont no what to do as a result of this he was about three or four years ago

    actualy seeing someone to help him

    but the support from that quater is no longer availible

    this has made me

    very unsure about things now and i am at the point where i panic if i think i have done something wrong

    i hide letters that i think may annoy him

    when i am shoping i am scared that i will buy the wrong things

    and i am beginning to hate myself for being like this

    i constantly think of leaving but am to scared to try

    please can you give me some advice

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