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Posts posted by tmp0620

  1. You came over,

    Sat close by

    You'd already

    Caught my eye


    I made you laugh

    You made me smile

    Time went by

    I drank a while


    Now I feel

    Things went awry

    I just can't

    Remember why


    What'd I do?

    What's the deal?

    What I remember

    Isn't real...


    I was too drunk

    To ask you out

    So what was Friday

    All about!?

  2. Okay, I'm not trying to come up with some acrobatic position that would enable you to receive oral and still look up at her... how are your handstands?


    This isn't my attitude towards it - I don't see it as a power thing either way - but if it helps keep in mind this quote from Samantha in Sex & the City: " Men, they may have you on your knees, but you've got them by the balls"


    but nah, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, just don't do it of course - sex should be fun for all parties involved! An there is plenty of other fun to be had of course


    Yeah, it just trips me out for some reason or another. I guess I wouldn't say no, but like I said, I'd never request it.


    I've got women up on a pedestal... probably why I've never had a girlfriend

  3. Would you find it degrading to give her oral?


    I don't think there is anything at all degrading about doing something that brings both my partner and myself so much pleasure... I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, if a girl does it at her own initiative you can assume she just wants to make you feel amazing and is enjoying it - its no different from anything else you do to give your partner pleasure.


    Well I know, but for some reason I just wouldn't feel right looking down at her doing that you know? I guess literally looking down on her just gives me a bad feeling. I don't really understand it myself but I'd rather be face to face with her (or looking up


    And no I wouldn't feel degraded giving a girl oral.

  4. Ya know, ppl can kick rocks around this subject all day long....but it won't change a persons mind as to whether or not they believe.


    I think religion quite frankly is rather stupid. I believe in God...and what the bible says. I could care less what religion I fall under because that doesn't define who I am.....I'm a Christian.


    Aye, but it's fun to try to try to understand where everyone's coming from. It is for me anyway.

  5. Who are the others? The documents are carbon dated so they are that old. Look up information about the Dead Sea Scrolls.




    Not really because it does not explain how it came to be in the first place. As I said before 4.5 billion years of random acts does not explain anything thing. In fact, it just affirms that there is a creator. Many species that exist today would not exist if it were left alone to radon evolution. The process of evolution would have taken to long to produce the essential elements needed for some species to survive.


    I just read that some believed they date to around 165 BCE and some believed they dated to around 530 BCE.


    Just because we don't know the answer to a question doesn't mean that something magic or mystical was behind it.

  6. Actually, I didn't say I was an agnostic. Check it again. However, I WAS one until I realized that I'd feel better sending a note of thanks to a house where someone who MIGHT have helped me MIGHT live than to keep my gratitude passive and secret. Some might argue that makes me an 'agnostic deist', and they're welcome to call me whatever they want, but I might decide to think atheistically tomorrow and throw all my weight behind Satan the day after that, and I won't be pinned down or pigeonholed in my own mind.


    Fair enough... however...


    Since you DID say "As an agnostic one realizes that the existence of deities cannot be disproved. thereforeeee, I..."


    The "I" gives it away


    Just playing.

  7. God made genes. I think that it is unwise for people to look at genes and not see their complexities. It is clear to see that they are the result of an intelligent designer. They are derived from a process that is not random or contrived. God is the intelligence behind all of the science discoveries. He is the creator of genes. Our bodies, the universe, and this exsistance that we live in is TOO complex to not have an intelligent designer backing it all up.


    If the world is 4.5 billion years old wouldn't that be enough time for nature to create the complexities that exist in the world today?

  8. It is really not that simple. The Book of Daniel gives detailed information about the accounts of that time and the rulers of the Empires that would fall before the events ever took place. The carbon copy dating proves that the documents were written over 500 years before the events took place.


    It seems that others believe that the documents aren't that old.

  9. I guess it depends on what you mean by evolution.


    I do believe that creatures adapt to their environments.


    However, I do not believe that we started out as sludge in the sea that evolved into various species.


    I believe in the account in Genesis. That God created everything as it should be on the sixth day of creation.


    Do you believe in genes?


    disclaimer: I enjoy these kinds of discussions and I'm not trying to offend anyone at all in the slightest. Know religion can be a touchy subject though.

  10. It takes a lot of soul searching and research. For the past three years I have studied the Bible a lot. I have learned things that I never thought about before. It just all makes so much sense to me. I do not see how anyone could not believe in God after looking at all of his creations. I just do not think that everything that exsists is made by chance. The Bible has become so precious to me. It tells the beginning from the end.


    So do you believe in evolution?

  11. Yeah, I don't agree with it, since I was forced to go to church and such all through my childhood up til I was 18, angered me that my parents made me even though probably around the age of 13-14, I could have made my own decision. I tried for years to see and believe what they seem to believe so blindly(faith)....I never got it, and probably never will.


    As for judgement day, I know of the whole story, but really...like you said, all there really is...is faith. NO ONE knows the real answer, and NO ONE will ever know until the end of this world comes to...and then, when that day comes...your questions may be answered...we'll all find out who was wrong and who was right.


    There are tons of religions in the world. The people who believe in those religions all believe equally. How could one be right and one wrong? It's all blind faith. If I write a bunch of parables on a piece of paper, and claimed that "god" told me to write these things no one would believe me... and yet...

  12. I believe that every part of the Bible is true. I read the book a lot. Everyone has the right to do what they want to do. But on Judgement Day I hope that we all have made the right choices that will put us in good graces with God. We all are sinners and have fallen short the glory of God, thereforeeee it is important that we see the saving grace that Jesus gave to all whom look to him for salvation.


    How do you figure it's all true? Besides faith I mean.

  13. Firstly... I do not believe people are born shy.


    I think a lot of people would consider me shy...


    I was raised mostly by my dad (my mom was working alot), but I think the reason I'm queiter than most is because my mom and oldest brother both love to hear themselves talk. I'm a great listener.

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