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Everything posted by al_zaine

  1. I hate Christmas. Everything is bullsh*t, we're slowly killing earth and all its tenants, the corporations are draining all resources for our needs, although they arent really our needs-we only think they are because television shows encourage certain livestyles. I'm so fed up, nothing makes any sense. I have no place in society, and its mainly because i don't want a place in society, it all a farce. Everything i hear is nothing new, nothings original, fresh, its just all regurjitation. Sometimes i'll mention in discussion with friends that i like something(mobile phone or some sorta gadget) or that im interested in something, when really i'm not, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to talk about, and I hate myself for it slightly because it pathetic and I guess self degrading. I just want to understand what life is and why its here and why we're here, but i can't seem to make sense of it.
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